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Effective Wild Animal Control Services in Montgomery County, MD - Get Rid of Unwanted Wildlife Today!

Effective Wild Animal Control Services in Montgomery County, MD - Get Rid of Unwanted Wildlife Today!

Wild animals can be a nuisance and a real danger to your family, pets, and property. Whether you live in a rural area or the suburbs, encountering wild animals is a common occurrence. Montgomery County, MD has a diverse wildlife population that includes raccoons, deer, foxes, skunks, and more.

If you are facing problems with wild animals, you need a reliable wild animal control service that can handle the job effectively. In this article, we will discuss the best wild animal control services in Montgomery County, MD.

Why Do You Need Wild Animal Control Service?

Wild animals can carry diseases and parasites such as rabies, fleas, ticks, and mites that can be transmitted to humans and pets. They can also cause damage to your property, including gnawing on electrical wires and structural overgrowth. Furthermore, they can become an annoyance by scurrying around your yard and disturbing your peace of mind.

What Are The Benefits of Hiring A Professional Wild Animal Control Service?

Professional wild animal control services have years of experience dealing with wild animals. They can offer safe and humane wildlife removal and exclusion methods. Professionals also have the expertise and equipment to handle different types of wild animals that may invade your property.

Additionally, professional wild animal control services can provide you with tips and recommendations on how to avoid future wildlife encounters and minimize the risk of infestation.

How Do You Choose The Right Wild Animal Control Service?

Choosing the right wild animal control service can be daunting, but here are some tips to help you choose the right service for your needs:

  • Choose a licensed and insured pest control company
  • Check the company's website and read customer reviews
  • Ask for referrals from family and friends
  • Compare prices from different companies

The Best Wild Animal Control Services in Montgomery County, MD

1. Pest Czar

Pest Czar is a licensed and insured pest control company that specializes in wildlife removal and exclusion services. Their team of experienced technicians uses humane and safe methods to remove wild animals from your property. They also provide animal exclusion services to prevent future re-entry.

2. Barefoot Pest Control

Barefoot Pest Control offers comprehensive wildlife removal services for residential and commercial properties. Their team of pest control professionals specializes in humane trapping, removal, and exclusion services. They also offer attic restoration services to repair damage caused by wildlife infestations.

3. Urban Wildlife Control

Urban Wildlife Control is a family-owned and operated wildlife control service that serves Montgomery County, MD. They offer humane methods to remove wild animals from your property, including bats, squirrels, raccoons, and more. Their team of experts can also help you with animal exclusion services and clean-up and repair services.

In Conclusion

If you are facing problems with wild animals, don't wait until it's too late. Invest in a reliable wild animal control service that can handle the job effectively and humanely. Choose a licensed and insured pest control company, read customer reviews, and get referrals from family and friends. A small investment now can save you time, money, and headaches in the future.

Wild Animal Control Montgomery County Md
"Wild Animal Control Montgomery County Md" ~ bbaz

Wild animals may seem cute and harmless in cartoons and documentaries, but encountering one in real life can be a frightening experience. Not only are wild animals unpredictable and potentially dangerous, but they also pose a threat to human health and property. In Montgomery County, Maryland, residents may come across various types of wild animals such as coyotes, foxes, raccoons, skunks, and deer- all of which require appropriate measures for control and management.

To Trap or Not to Trap?

One common method of controlling wild animal populations is trapping. However, indiscriminate trapping can cause more harm than good. For instance, it may lead to the accidental capture of non-target species or inflict unnecessary pain and suffering on target animals. Therefore, before embarking on trapping activities, it is vital to assess the species present to determine if trapping is a viable solution. Moreover, trapping should be done by trained professionals who understand the laws and regulations governing wild animal control.

The Role of Habitat Modification

Another effective method of controlling wild animal populations is habitat modification. This involves altering the environment to make it less hospitable to the animals. For instance, securing trash cans and covering compost piles can prevent raccoons and other scavengers from coming into residential areas. Similarly, fencing gardens and landscaping with native plants that are not attractive to deer can reduce their damage to crops and shrubs. Habitat modification is a sustainable and humane way to manage wild animals as it encourages coexistence rather than conflict.

The Importance of Education and Awareness

In addition to employing effective control measures, educating the public on safe and legal ways to interact with wild animals is equally crucial. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources provides resources to help residents understand local wildlife, including how to identify species, their behavior, and what to do if encountered. By fostering a culture of respect and tolerance for wild animals, we can minimize conflicts while promoting their conservation.


Wild animal control in Montgomery County, Maryland, is a multifaceted issue that requires appropriate management strategies and cooperation from residents. With the right tools, knowledge, and attitude, we can create a harmonious balance between humans and wildlife. Contact your local animal control agency to learn more about the legal and effective ways to deal with wild animal encounters.

Wild Animal Control Services in Montgomery County, MD: A Comprehensive Comparison


Wild animals are an essential part of our ecosystem and are also a part of our surroundings. However, if they become a threat to the safety of humans or their pets, it becomes necessary to take control measures. This is where the services of professional wildlife control service providers come into play. In this blog, we will compare and contrast some of the most popular wild animal control services available in Montgomery County, MD, based on various factors.

Service Coverage:

One of the first factors we considered while comparing the services was their geographical coverage. The table below shows a summary of the areas covered by each service:
Service Provider Areas Covered
Acme Wildlife Control Entire County
Critter Control Entire County
PestNow Most areas in the County
Trutech Entire County
Based on the table above, it is apparent that all services, except for PestNow, cover the entire county.

Types of Services:

Another critical factor we considered was the range of services offered. In the following paragraphs, we'll give a brief overview of each service's offerings.

Acme Wildlife Control:

Acme Wildlife Control is known for its humane approach to the removal and control of wild animals. They specialize in the removal of bats, skunks, raccoons, snakes, squirrels, and more. They also offer wildlife-proofing services to prevent future infestations.

Critter Control:

Critter Control specializes in the removal and control of a variety of wild animals, including birds, bats, skunks, rats, mice, and more. They use environment-friendly and humane techniques to ensure that the animals are safely removed and relocated.


Unlike the above two services, PestNow caters to a broader spectrum of pest-related issues and also provides services for the removal of rodents, bed bugs, termites, mosquitoes, ants, bees, and wasps.


Trutech offers a wide range of services such as wildlife removal, animal relocation, exclusion services, and repair of damages caused by the wild animals. They have experienced professionals who can deal with almost all types of wild animal intrusions, including bats, snakes, raccoons, squirrels, and more.

Prices Comparison:

Another significant factor we compared while choosing the right service provider was their pricing. The following table shows a summary of the prices charged by each service:
Service Provider Prices Charged (Approx.)
Acme Wildlife Control $300 - $500
Critter Control $200 - $500
PestNow $150 - $350
Trutech $300 - $800
Based on the above table, we can infer that PestNow offers the most budget-friendly services, while Acme Wildlife Control and Trutech have the most expensive pricing.


In conclusion, choosing the right wild animal control service provider can be a daunting task. However, by considering the factors like geographical coverage, types of services offered, and their pricing, you can make an informed choice. All the above services are known for their quality and humane wild-animal removal techniques. Therefore, it is essential to pick a service provider that meets your requirements and fits within your budget.

Wild Animal Control Montgomery County Md: Tips and Tutorial for Keeping Your Property Safe


Living in Montgomery County, Md, means close encounters with wildlife are inevitable. From raccoons to snakes, wild animals can quickly turn your property into their own, causing damage and spreading disease. That's why it's essential to take control of the situation before it gets out of hand. In this article, we'll provide tips and a tutorial for wild animal control in Montgomery County.

Identify Wild Animals in Your Area

The first step in wild animal control is identifying what types of animals are present on your property. This includes squirrels, raccoons, rabbits, foxes, and even snakes. Once you know which animals are common in your area, you can take steps to prevent them from entering your property or causing damage.

Preventative Measures

There are several preventative measures you can take to keep wild animals off your property. These include:- Seal any openings in your home: Check that your home is sealed around the windows, doors, vents, and chimney. Wild animals can enter through small gaps and openings, so seal them with weather stripping or caulk.- Secure all outdoor trash cans: Use containers with tight-fitting lids that are difficult for animals to open. If you have a compost pile, bury it away from your home.- Remove any food sources: Don't leave pet food outside. Keep bird feeders away from your house. Avoid leaving food scraps on the ground, and clean up spills immediately.- Make your yard unappealing: Plant thorny bushes or install prickly fences to keep wild animals from accessing your yard. Avoid planting fruit trees and berry bushes that could attract animals.

Humane Removal

If prevention doesn't work, you may need to remove an animal from your property. However, it's important to do so humanely. Live traps are the most effective method for capturing animals without harming them. Place the trap in a location where the animal is likely to go and check it frequently. Once you've caught an animal, release it into a nearby wildlife area.

Professional Wildlife Services

If you're unable to control a wild animal situation on your own, it's time to call in the professionals. Licensed wildlife removal services have the skills and equipment necessary to handle even the most challenging situations. They're trained to capture and remove wild animals safely and legally.

Legal Considerations

Before removing any wild animal from your property, it's essential to understand the legal requirements in Montgomery County. Some animals, such as bats and birds of prey, are protected under federal law and require special permits for removal. Additionally, some traps are illegal to use in Maryland, so research the laws and regulations before setting up any traps.


The cost of professional wildlife removal services depends on the type of animal and the severity of the issue. Prices can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand. However, the cost of hiring a professional is often less than the damage caused by an unchecked animal problem.


Wild animal control in Montgomery County Md requires a combination of preventative measures, humane removal, and professional assistance. Identifying the types of wildlife in your area and taking steps to prevent them from accessing your property is crucial to keeping your home safe. If prevention isn't enough, calling a licensed wildlife removal service is the best option for legally and humanely handling the situation. By following the tips and tutorial outlined in this article, you can protect your property and ensure you're staying safe in areas where wild animals are prone to roam.

Wild Animal Control in Montgomery County, MD: Protecting You and Your Property

If you live in Montgomery County, MD, chances are high that you’ve encountered wild animals on your property or in your neighborhood. While these creatures can be fascinating to observe from afar, they can also cause property damage, bring diseases, and pose safety risks to humans and pets. Fortunately, there are reliable and ethical ways to keep wildlife at bay without harming or killing them.

At Wild Animal Control, we specialize in humanely trapping, relocating, and deterring wildlife in Montgomery County and other parts of Maryland. Our team consists of animal experts with decades of experience in identifying, handling, and resolving wildlife conflicts. We use a combination of advanced technology, eco-friendly methods, and professional-grade equipment to ensure that animals are treated with respect and dignity while being kept away from your home or business.

One of the key reasons to hire a professional wildlife control service is that wild animals have different habits, behaviors, and sensitivities than domesticated animals. While you may be able to scare off a stray dog or cat with loud noises or water sprays, wild animals can become more aggressive and unpredictable when they feel threatened or cornered. Some common wildlife species found in Montgomery County include:

  • Raccoons
  • Opossums
  • Squirrels
  • Groundhogs
  • Skunks
  • Bats
  • Snakes

Each of these animals has unique adaptations and survival mechanisms that make them valuable members of our ecological system. However, when they invade human habitats, they can cause trouble in various ways:

Raccoons: These masked nocturnal mammals are notorious for rummaging through trash cans, gardens, and attics in search of food and shelter. They can carry rabies, leptospirosis, and other diseases that can be transmitted to humans and pets through bites, scratches, or contact with feces.

Opossums: Often mistaken for giant rats, opossums are actually beneficial scavengers that rarely attack people or pets. However, they can damage gardens and structures when searching for food or denning sites.

Squirrels: These cute and acrobatic rodents are common in suburban and urban areas, where they feed on nuts, seeds, fruits, and bird feeders. They can chew through insulation, wires, and woodwork, causing costly damage to homes and appliances. They can also spread fleas, ticks, and other parasites.

Groundhogs: Also known as woodchucks or whistle-pigs, groundhogs are expert diggers that create burrows in fields and yards. They can weaken the foundation of buildings, patios, and driveways, and their tunnels can be a tripping hazard for people and animals. They can also attract predators such as coyotes and foxes.

Skunks: Despite their smelly reputation, skunks are valuable insectivores that can control pests such as beetles, crickets, and grasshoppers. However, they can spray musk as a defense mechanism when threatened, which can cause eye irritation and respiratory problems in humans and pets. They can also dig holes in lawns and gardens in search of grubs.

Bats: These flying mammals play a crucial role in pollination, seed dispersal, and insect control, but they can also carry rabies and other viruses that can be transmitted through bites or droppings. They are often found in attics, chimneys, and caves, where they roost during the day.

Snakes: Although most snakes in Maryland are non-venomous and harmless to humans, some species such as copperheads and rattlesnakes can pose a danger, particularly to small pets who may unwittingly provoke them. Snakes can also cause alarm and fear in people who find them unexpectedly on their property.

Despite these risks, it is important to remember that wild animals are not malicious or vindictive; they are simply trying to survive and adapt to changing environments. Humane wildlife control involves a compassionate and science-based approach to resolving conflicts between humans and wildlife, while respecting the rights and needs of both parties.

If you are experiencing problems with wild animals in Montgomery County, MD, don’t hesitate to contact Wild Animal Control for assistance. We offer a wide range of services, including:

  • Inspections and assessments
  • Trapping and relocation
  • Exclusion and proofing
  • Decontamination and cleanup
  • Preventative measures

We will work with you to develop a customized plan that fits your budget, timeline, and preferences. Our methods are safe, effective, and legal, and we strive to minimize stress and discomfort for both animals and humans throughout the process. We also offer emergency services 24/7, so you can reach us anytime for urgent animal-related situations.

Thank you for reading this blog post about wild animal control in Montgomery County, MD. We hope that you have gained a better understanding of the importance of humane and ethical wildlife management, and that you will consider Wild Animal Control for your wildlife control needs. For more information or to schedule a consultation, please call us today.

People Also Ask About Wild Animal Control in Montgomery County, MD

What kind of wild animals can be found in Montgomery County, MD?

In Montgomery County, you may encounter various types of wild animals such as black bears, coyotes, foxes, raccoons, groundhogs, skunks, and snakes among others. These animals are an essential part of the ecosystem, but they can become a nuisance when they enter people's homes or damage their property.

What are the dangers of having wild animals in your neighborhood?

Having wild animals in your neighborhood poses various dangers to both humans and pets. They can spread diseases, cause damage to your property, and threaten your safety. Additionally, some wild animals may become aggressive if they feel threatened, which increases the risk of injury or attack.

What is animal control, and how does it work?

Animal control refers to the process of managing, removing, and controlling wild animals that pose a danger to public health and safety. The animal control department works with residents to trap and remove wild animals from their property. They also provide educational resources to help residents coexist safely with wildlife.

Can I remove a wild animal from my property on my own?

It is not recommended to remove wild animals from your property on your own. Wildlife removal can be dangerous and requires specialized training and equipment. Attempting to remove animals without proper training can result in harm to the animal or yourself. It is always best to contact professional animal control services to manage the situation.

How do I prevent wild animals from entering my property?

To prevent wild animals from entering your property, you should take steps to make your home and yard less attractive to them. This includes securing your trash cans, removing potential food sources like fallen fruit or bird feeders, and sealing any openings or gaps in your home that may serve as an entry point for animals.

Whom should I contact for wild animal control in Montgomery County, MD?

If you require assistance with wild animal control in Montgomery County, MD, you can contact the Animal Services Division of Montgomery County at (240) 773-5900. They offer services such as trapping and removal of nuisance animals, rabies testing, and vaccination programs.