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Master the Art of D&D 3.5 Animal Devotion with These Expert Tips

Master the Art of D&D 3.5 Animal Devotion with These Expert Tips

Are you looking for an exciting and unique way to add some extra flair to your D&D 3.5 campaign? Look no further than the Animal Devotion feat! This feat allows characters to tap into the primal powers of wild beasts, granting them incredible abilities and enhancing their combat prowess.

But what exactly is Animal Devotion, and how does it work? Put simply, this feat grants characters access to a number of animal-themed abilities, depending on which animal they choose to devote themselves to. These range from increased speed and agility, to powerful attacks and even the ability to summon animal companions into battle.

One of the key benefits of Animal Devotion is its versatility. With a wide variety of animals to choose from, there's sure to be one that fits your character's playstyle and personality. Are you a fierce warrior who wants to charge into battle like a lion? Or a cunning rogue who wants to strike from the shadows like a panther?

Of course, with great power comes great responsibility - and Animal Devotion is no exception. Choosing to devote yourself to an animal also means you'll need to embrace its traits and behaviors. For example, if you choose to devote yourself to a wolf, you'll need to be willing to work as part of a pack and prioritize your allies' safety over your own. But with those sacrifices come incredible rewards.

So why should you consider taking Animal Devotion in your D&D 3.5 campaign? For starters, it can add a thrilling new dimension to your character's abilities and make combat encounters even more exciting. Plus, it's a great way to showcase your creativity and imagination by coming up with your own unique twists on each animal's abilities.

But perhaps the biggest reason to take Animal Devotion is its potential for character growth. By embracing the traits of a powerful animal, your character is sure to learn new things about themselves and the world around them. Will they become more ruthless and primal, or learn to balance their animalistic instincts with their human(oid) conscience?

Of course, like any feat in D&D 3.5, Animal Devotion is not without its limitations. Its powers are limited by the number of daily uses you're granted, and it requires a significant investment in terms of feats and skill ranks. But for those who are willing to put in the time and effort, the rewards can be well worth it.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a way to spice up your D&D 3.5 campaign and add some extra flavor to your character's abilities, consider taking the Animal Devotion feat. With its wide range of options, exciting powers, and potential for character growth, it's a choice you won't regret.

D&D 3.5 Animal Devotion
"D&D 3.5 Animal Devotion" ~ bbaz

D&D 3.5 Animal Devotion

Animal devotion is a feat in Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 that allows players to embrace a particular animal to receive bonuses and powers. The feat comes from the Complete Champion supplement and requires proficiency in Knowledge (nature) and Handle Animal.

Choosing an Animal

The first step to taking the animal devotion feat is selecting the animal to dedicate oneself to. The options include bears, birds of prey, cats, dogs, horses, monkeys, snakes and wolves. This choice determines what powers the player will gain access to, such as enhanced senses or improved attacks.

It's important to consider what type of character the animal companion would suit. Someone who prefers to fight at close range and relies on strength may want to choose a bear, while a rogue who thrives on sneaking around may prefer a snake.

Training with the Animal

After selecting an animal to devote oneself to, players must begin training with the creature. This involves spending time with the animal and getting to know it better. The character will need to spend a week in the wilderness with the chosen animal to learn its ways and establish a bond. This also requires a successful handle animal check of DC 15.

Once this training is complete, the character can gain access to certain powers depending on the chosen animal. For example, a character who chooses a wolf gains the ability to track by scent and call other wolves for aid.

Enhanced Powers

As the character trains and becomes more adept with their chosen animal, they gain access to more powerful abilities. After five levels of progression, the character unlocks the Devotion ability, which further enhances their bond and grants additional bonuses. For instance, a character who has devoted themselves to a bird of prey can fly and attack at the same time, while one dedicated to a bear becomes ferocious in battle and resistant to damage.

Additionally, Animal Devotion grants access to a variety of spells related to the chosen animal. These spells help increase the character's abilities, making them even more formidable in combat.

The Drawbacks of Animal Devotion

While Animal Devotion comes with many benefits, there are certain drawbacks to consider. The first is the high skill requirements for taking this feat. Players must have proficiency in Knowledge (nature) and Handle Animal, which may not be suitable for all characters.

Another drawback is that players must spend significant amounts of time training and bonding with their chosen animal. This can be challenging in campaigns that move quickly or don't allow for much downtime. Additionally, this bond means that the character must always have the animal companion by their side. If it dies, the character suffers penalties to their abilities and must undertake a complex, time-consuming ritual to regain their former power.


Animal Devotion is a powerful feat that allows players to embrace a particular animal and gain new abilities based on their chosen creature. While there are drawbacks, the bonuses and powers make it well worth considering for characters who want to add a unique element to their gameplay. With careful planning and training, players can become powerful warriors who are supported by their fierce animal companions.

Comparison between D&D 3.5 Animal Devotion and other feats


Dungeons & Dragons is a popular tabletop role-playing game where players take on the roles of characters, embark on quests, and overcome obstacles through a combination of strategy and chance. One of the ways characters can gain advantages in D&D is through feats; special abilities that grant them unique bonuses based on their chosen path. In this article, we will explore one of these feats - Animal Devotion - and compare it to other feats in the game.

What is Animal Devotion?

Animal Devotion is a feat in the D&D 3.5 edition that allows characters to channel the power of animals. It grants bonuses to various skills, allows one to mimic animal traits, and even summon animal allies to the battlefield. This feat is ideal for characters who want to embrace nature or take on the persona of an animal-themed character.

Keywords: Animal Devotion, feat, bonuses, skills, summon allies, nature, animal-themed

How does Animal Devotion compare to other feats?

Let's take a look at some other feats that have similar themes or benefits and see how they compare to Animal Devotion:

Combat Reflexes vs. Animal Devotion:

Combat Reflexes is a feat that grants characters extra attacks of opportunity per round. While Animal Devotion doesn't directly provide combat bonuses, the ability to summon animals could be helpful in battle. However, Combat Reflexes is more suited for martial characters who engage in melee combat frequently.

Improved Initiative vs. Animal Devotion:

Improved Initiative grants characters a bonus to their initiative roll, allowing them to act faster in combat. Animal Devotion doesn't affect initiative but provides other benefits instead. It's a matter of personal preference whether a player prefers to act first or have more tactical options available.

Toughness vs. Animal Devotion:

Toughness grants characters extra hit points, making them harder to defeat in combat. Animal Devotion doesn't provide this, but it does grant bonuses to skills like survival and handle animal, making it more useful for ranger or druid characters who spend a lot of time in the wilderness.

Keywords: Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Toughness, martial characters, initiative, hit points, wilderness

Opinions on Animal Devotion

Some players may find Animal Devotion to be a fun and flavorful feat that allows them to connect with nature. The ability to summon animal allies can be useful in combat, and the bonuses to skills like survival and handle animal make it more versatile than some other feats.However, other players may find that Animal Devotion doesn't fit with their character concept or isn't very useful in their particular campaign. Since it requires a wisdom score of 13 or higher, it may not be accessible to all characters either.Overall, Animal Devotion is a solid choice for players who want to focus on nature-themed abilities and don't mind sacrificing combat bonuses for utility.

Keywords: nature-themed, utility

Comparison Table

To summarize our comparison, here is a table that highlights the key differences between Animal Devotion and some other feats:
Feat Bonuses Combat Benefits Wilderness Benefits
Animal Devotion Bonuses to skills, ability to summon animal allies None Bonus to survival and handle animal
Combat Reflexes Extra attacks of opportunity per round Better suited for martial characters None
Improved Initiative Better initiative roll None None
Toughness Extra hit points Better suited for martial characters None


In conclusion, Animal Devotion is a unique and versatile feat that allows players to channel the power of animals. While it doesn't provide direct combat benefits, it can be useful in its own way and is a good choice for nature-themed characters. When comparing it to other feats, players should consider their character concept and campaign goals to determine which option suits them best. Overall, Animal Devotion is a solid choice for players who want a different type of feat in their game.

Keywords: versatility, combat benefits, character concept, campaign goals

D&D 3.5 Animal Devotion Tips and Tricks


In Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, Animal Devotion is a powerful feat that allows the character to channel the strength of animals. This feat enhances the character's abilities in combat, making them a fierce opponent for enemies. However, this feat requires some preparation and strategy to maximize its use.

Choosing an Animal

The first step in using Animal Devotion effectively is choosing the right animal. Different animals provide different benefits, so it's important to choose one that complements your character's strengths and weaknesses. For example, if your character is already skilled in melee combat, choosing an animal that enhances your speed or agility might be a better choice than one that enhances your strength.

Preparing for Combat

To get the most out of Animal Devotion, it's essential to prepare for combat. This means having the right equipment, potions, and spells at your disposal. Equip your character with weapons and armor that are appropriate for your chosen animal and make sure to bring along any necessary healing potions or spells.

Understanding the Animal's Abilities

Each animal provides different benefits and abilities. It's important to understand what these abilities are and how they can be used in combat. Some animals provide bonuses to attack rolls, damage rolls, or AC, while others focus on speed and mobility.

Using Animal Devotion in Combat

When using Animal Devotion in combat, it's important to choose your actions carefully. Consider using the animal's abilities to gain an advantage over your enemies, such as using the speed boost to maneuver into a flanking position or using the strength boost to grapple an opponent.

Maximizing the Benefits

To maximize the benefits of Animal Devotion, it's important to use it in combination with other feats and abilities. For example, combining Animal Devotion with the Power Attack feat can make your character a devastating force on the battlefield.

Using Animal Devotion out of Combat

Animal Devotion can also be useful outside of combat. For example, using the speed boost can help your character get to a destination quickly or catch up with fleeing enemies. Using the scent ability can be useful for tracking down enemies or searching for hidden objects.

Expanding Your Options

While Animal Devotion is a powerful feat on its own, it can be even more effective when combined with other feats and abilities. Consider taking feats that enhance your chosen animal's abilities or complement your character's strengths and weaknesses.

Roleplaying Animal Devotion

Finally, remember that Animal Devotion is not just a combat feat--it's also an opportunity to add depth and flavor to your character. Consider how your character's relationship with their chosen animal develops over time and use this as an opportunity for roleplaying.


Animal Devotion is a versatile and powerful feat that can be a great addition to any character. By choosing the right animal, preparing for combat, and using the feat strategically, you can turn your character into a formidable opponent on the battlefield. Don't be afraid to experiment and find creative ways to use Animal Devotion both in and out of combat.

D&D 3.5 Animal Devotion: Explore Your Wild Side

Are you a fan of Dungeons and Dragons? Do you like to play as a Druid or Ranger? If so, you might want to consider the Animal Devotion feat in D&D 3.5. This feat allows players to channel the power of their animal spirit, providing bonuses to abilities and attacks.

The Animal Devotion feat is a unique ability found in the Complete Divine supplement for D&D 3.5. It is designed for characters who embrace their wild side and feel connected to animals on a deeper level. As a result, Animal Devotion grants its users the ability to access and channel the power of their chosen animal spirit.

When a character chooses the Animal Devotion feat, they select an animal that represents their spirit. This can be anything from a lion or bear to a wolf or falcon. Once chosen, the character gains various benefits depending on the animal they have selected.

For example, players who choose the Bear Spirit gain bonuses to their Strength and Constitution attributes, as well as combat-related perks such as improved grappling and damage reduction. Meanwhile, those who choose the Falcon Spirit will gain a boost to their Wisdom and Dexterity stats, as well as new abilities related to movement and finding hidden targets.

There are nine different animal spirits to choose from, each with their own unique bonuses and advantages. Players can select whichever spirit best suits their character and playstyle.

Animal Devotion also has different levels of proficiency, ranging from Basic to Improved and Greater. As a player progresses through these levels, they unlock new abilities and bonuses related to their chosen animal spirit, making them more powerful and versatile in combat.

For example, basic Bear Spirit users gain the ability to detect nearby prey, while Greater Bear Spirit users can enter a rage-like state that increases their combat effectiveness and allows them to inflict additional damage.

Transitioning between levels of proficiency requires the player to have a certain amount of ranks in the required skills and attributes. This ensures that players develop their characters naturally, rather than becoming overpowered too quickly.

Perhaps the most appealing aspect of the Animal Devotion feat is its thematic value. Playing as a Druid or Ranger who channels the power of their animal spirit adds another layer of depth and characterisation to your gameplay experience.

Furthermore, some Dungeon Masters may even create storylines and scenarios that specifically involve or relate to your chosen animal spirit. This can make for an engaging and immersive story experience that goes beyond simple combat and questing.

In conclusion, if you're a Druid or Ranger looking for a way to embrace your wild side, then the Animal Devotion feat is definitely worth checking out. Its animal spirits offer unique bonuses and abilities that can help you in combat and progression, as well as adding thematic depth to your character.

So why not explore the power of your animal spirit and let loose your inner beast?

Thank you for taking the time to read our article on D&D 3.5 Animal Devotion! We hope you found it informative and helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

D&D 3.5 Animal Devotion: People Also Ask

What is D&D 3.5 Animal Devotion?

D&D 3.5 Animal Devotion is a feat that allows the player's character to gain a connection with an animal, which can provide certain benefits during battles.

What does Animal Devotion do?

Animal Devotion grants a range of benefits depending on the type of animal chosen by the player, including bonuses to attack and damage rolls, saving throws, and AC, as well as special abilities such as scent or the ability to swim. The chosen animal also becomes the player's animal companion, gaining improved abilities as long as it remains within the player's service.

Can any class take Animal Devotion?

Animal Devotion is a feat available to characters of any class, but certain classes may benefit from it more than others. Classes that already have an animal companion, such as druids or rangers, may find Animal Devotion particularly useful.

What animals can I choose with Animal Devotion?

Animal Devotion allows the player to choose from a list of animals provided in the feat description. These animals include everything from wolves to eagles to snakes. Each animal provides different benefits, so players should consider their play style and party composition when choosing.

Is Animal Devotion worth taking?

Whether or not Animal Devotion is worth taking depends on the character's play style and the campaign they are playing in. For players who enjoy having animal companions or who need additional combat bonuses, Animal Devotion can be a valuable feat to take. However, for those who prefer more powerful abilities or spells, there may be better feats to choose from.

Overall, D&D 3.5 Animal Devotion is a powerful feat that can provide a range of benefits to players who enjoy animal companions and bonuses in combat. Players should carefully consider their options before choosing this feat to ensure that it fits with their character and play style.