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Efficient & Timely Dead Animal Pickup Services in City of Phoenix - Ensure A Cleaner Environment!

Efficient & Timely Dead Animal Pickup Services in City of Phoenix - Ensure A Cleaner Environment!

Have you ever come across a deceased animal on the streets of Phoenix? It can be a sight that no one wants to see, but unfortunately, it's a reality that we have to deal with. The good news is that the City of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup is here to help.

Did you know that over 500 dead animals are picked up every month in Phoenix alone? That's a staggering number, and it shows just how important this service is for our community. Without it, we would be left with a lot of unpleasant sights and smells littering our streets.

The City of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup provides a fast and efficient service that ensures these animals are removed as quickly as possible. The team is highly trained and equipped with all the necessary tools to get the job done right. They understand the importance of their role in keeping our city clean and safe.

If you spot a dead animal on the streets of Phoenix, it's essential to report it to the City of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup immediately. You can do this easily by contacting their hotline or filling out an online form. The team will then swing into action and have the animal removed promptly.

One of the best things about the City of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup is that it's entirely free. There are no hidden fees or charges involved. This means that you can report a dead animal without having to worry about any unexpected costs.

Another important point to note is that the City of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This means that you can report a dead animal at any time, and the team will respond promptly. They understand that time is of the essence when it comes to removing deceased animals from our streets.

So, what happens to the dead animals once they're picked up? The City of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup has specific protocols in place for the disposal of these animals. They are taken to a designated facility, where they are treated with dignity and respect.

If you're concerned about the impact that deceased animals can have on the environment, you'll be pleased to know that the City of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup takes this issue seriously. They use eco-friendly disposal methods and ensure that any potentially hazardous materials are disposed of safely.

Ultimately, the City of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup is an essential service that plays a vital role in keeping our city clean and safe. If you spot a dead animal on the streets of Phoenix, don't hesitate to contact them immediately. They are here to help and are committed to providing the highest quality service possible.

In conclusion, we all have a responsibility to keep our city clean and safe. Reporting dead animals to the City of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup is just one small step that we can all take to make a difference. So, let's do our part and keep our community looking its best.

City Of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup
"City Of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup" ~ bbaz


City of Phoenix has been on the forefront in providing efficient public services to its residents. One of the critical services that it offers is dead animal pickup. It might appear like a less important service, but the city takes it seriously because it offers numerous benefits to the citizens.

Why Dead Animal Pickup is Important

Dead animals on the streets not only create an unsightly view, but they can also pose health dangers to residents. Dead animal carcasses attract scavengers, such as flies, rats, and vultures, which can carry diseases and harmful bacteria. Also, decayed animals tend to produce an unpleasant odor, which can cause air pollution and lead to respiratory problems.

The City of Phoenix understands the risks associated with dead animals and, therefore, provides residents free of charge pickup services to ensure that streets remain clean and safe for everyone.

How to Request Dead Animal Pickup

The process of requesting dead animal pickup services is quite straightforward. It involves three simple steps:

  1. Contact the City hotline: Residents can call the City of Phoenix Customer Service line at (602) 262-7251 to report any dead animal or use Phoenix at Your Service app to request services online.
  2. Provide location details: When making the request, provide the specific location of the animal carcass and any other necessary information that can help locate the carcass quickly.
  3. Wait for Pickup: After reporting the dead animal, the City of Phoenix will send a team to pick up the carcass within 24 hours.

What Happens to the Animals After Pickup?

The City of Phoenix has a contract with a private contractor who disposes of all collected animals. The contractor operates a centralized compost facility where they process the collected animal remains. The company uses a special machine that grinds the remains, mixes them with green waste, and composts the mixture to produce nutrient-rich soil. The process of composting turns the dead animals into useful fertilizer, which the company then sells to farmers or landscapers.


The City of Phoenix is committed to providing clean, safe, and healthy environments for its residents. Dead animal pickup services are essential in maintaining the city's cleanliness and preserving public health. Citizens should take advantage of the free services provided by the city by reporting any dead animals within their neighborhoods promptly. Lastly, proper disposal of dead animal remains goes a long way in preserving the environment and turning them into useful resources.

City Of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup: A Comparison Guide

When it comes to dead animal pickup services, the City of Phoenix offers a variety of options for residents and visitors. However, with so many choices available, it can be difficult to determine which service is right for you.

The Services Provided by the City of Phoenix for Dead Animals Pickup

In general, the City of Phoenix provides several services when it comes to dead animal pickup. These services include:

Services Description
Residential Dead Animal Pickup This service is available to residential areas, such as neighborhoods and apartment complexes, and involves the removal of dead animals from public areas or streets.
Commercial Dead Animal Pickup For businesses and commercial areas, this service involves the removal of dead animals from public spaces or streets.
Animal Control Services The City of Phoenix Animal Care and Control provides services for injured, sick, or deceased animals that are found within the city limits.

Residential Dead Animal Pickup

For residents living in the City of Phoenix, the residential dead animal pickup service is the best option for removing dead animals from public areas or streets. This service is available 24/7, 365 days a year, and can be accessed by calling 602-262-7251. Dead animals that are removed through this service include domestic pets, wildlife, and livestock. However, if the dead animal is on private property, the homeowner or property owner is responsible for removal.

Commercial Dead Animal Pickup

If you own a business or operate in a commercial area within the City of Phoenix, the commercial dead animal pickup service is the best option for removing dead animals from public areas or streets. This service is also available 24/7 and can be accessed by calling 602-262-7251. The types of dead animals removed through this service include domestic pets, wildlife, and livestock.

Animal Control Services

Animal Control Services provided by the City of Phoenix is best for injured or sick animals that are found within the city limits. However, if a deceased animal is located on private property, then it is the responsibility of the homeowner or property owner to have the animal removed. Animal control services are available 24/7 and can be accessed by calling 602-262-7251.

The Cost of Dead Animal Pickup Services in City of Phoenix

The cost of dead animal pickup services within the City of Phoenix varies depending on the service used. Currently, both residential and commercial dead animal pickup services are free of charge. Animal Control Services also do not charge a fee for their services.


Choosing the right service for dead animal pickup can be a difficult decision. However, the City of Phoenix offers several options to make this process easier for residents and businesses alike. Whether you’re dealing with a dead animal on your property or a dead animal in a public space, the City of Phoenix has services available to meet your needs at no cost to you.

Tips for City of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup


Death of pets and wild animals are inevitable. It is a distressing experience that could bring tears to a person's eyes, either from natural causes or from external factors such as a road accident, animal attacks, or sudden illness. When a pet or a wild animal dies, owners need to dispose of the body properly to avoid conflicts with the law. Fortunately, for residents in the city of Phoenix, Arizona, they can count on the city's dead animal pickup services. Here are some tips on how to avail and prepare for Phoenix's dead animal pickup services.

What to Expect in Dead Animal Pickup Services?

The city of Phoenix offers free dead animal pickup services to its residents within its jurisdiction. The service extends to private residential, commercial, and public property. When calling the city's hotline number, a customer service representative will ask about your request's nature, the size of the animal, and its location. A team of animal control officers will then be dispatched to assess the situation and remove the carcass.

Availability and Response Time

Phoenix's dead animal pickup services operate seven days a week, including holidays. However, response time may vary, depending on the volume of requests and the officers' availability. Upon receiving your request, the average waiting time for removal is within two hours or less. Suppose you call after office hours, weekends, or holidays. In that case, the city's automated answering system will receive your call and alert the nearest available officer.

What to Do Before Pickup?

Before availing of the city's dead animal pickup services, there are some things that homeowners need to do to make the removal process smoother. They include:

1. Secure the location - it is essential to prevent other animals from approaching the dead animal to prevent further contamination or injury. You can use a barrier or hazard tape to secure the site.

2. Inform Neighbors - inform your neighbors that you have requested dead animal pickup services and request them to remove their pets out of the way.

3. Take Photos - take a photo of the dead animal's location, size, and any other relevant information before the pickup service arrives.

4. Avoid Handling it Yourself - Working with dead animals may pose a considerable risk to your health due to diseases and viruses. It is essential to avoid handling it yourself and leave it to the trained animal control officers.

What to Do After Pickup?

Once the dead animal is removed, the resident must clean the area with a disinfectant and dispose of any contaminated material such as gloves or rags used during the process. This step helps to eliminate any odor or traces of the carcass to prevent further pest infestation.


Overall, the city of Phoenix's dead animal removal services help to keep the community healthy, safe, and clean. With proper preparation and caution, homeowners can efficiently manage the dead animal disposal process without risking their health and wellbeing. By following the tips outlined in this article, residents can guarantee a smooth and swift dead animal pickup service. For more information on the city's dead animal pickup services, visit their website or call their hotline numbers.

The Importance of Dead Animal Pickup in the City of Phoenix

As an urban center, the City of Phoenix is home to a wide range of wildlife species. From coyotes and raccoons to birds and rats, the city's flora and fauna provide a unique glimpse into Arizona's natural environment. Unfortunately, with this animal diversity comes the issue of dead animal pickup.

Dead animals are an all-too-common sight on Phoenix's streets, highways, and in public spaces. These deceased animals pose a threat to public health and safety and can cause an unpleasant odor for those nearby. That's why timely and efficient dead animal pickup is crucial to the well-being of both humans and wildlife residents.

If you spot a deceased animal on a public road or area within the City of Phoenix, it is essential that you contact the city authorities as soon as possible. Failure to report a dead animal can cause more serious problems as decomposition starts to set in. It can also attract scavengers that might carry diseases and pests, such as flies or maggots.

In line with Mayor Kate Gallego's vision for Phoenix to be One Phoenix, One Future, the City of Phoenix's Public Works Department has launched a dead animal pickup program. This program provides residents with a fast and convenient way to report dead animal sightings to the authorities. Dead animal pickups will be done on a priority basis, with high-traffic areas being given top priority.

Thanks to this program, residents of the City of Phoenix can rest easy knowing that the responsibility for removing dead animals from public areas is taken care of by the local authorities. With public spaces remaining clean and free from decomposing animals, the program plays a crucial role in maintaining the public health and reducing the risk of infections.

If you are unsure what to do when you spot a dead animal in Phoenix, there is an online reporting system dedicated to this purpose. This system enables residents to quickly report animal pick-up requests using a computer or mobile device from any location. To make a report, navigate to the official City of Phoenix website, and click on the dead animal pickup link. From there, you will be prompted to provide details such as location, time, and type of animal.

Once you submit your request, the city's Public Works department will take responsibility for removing the dead animal promptly. Authorities will tag and log the carcass to keep track of when and where it was removed from and send the remains to authorized animal disposal facilities, which ensure safe and sanitary disposal.

In conclusion, the City of Phoenix's dead animal pickup program has been designed to keep public areas clean, hygienic, and safe for all. It is crucial that we all play a role in identifying dead animal sightings and alerting appropriate authorities by reporting them via the online system or by phoning public services.

Remember: Reporting a dead animal could save someone from an infection, an unpleasant experience, or even prevent a future accident due to distraction caused by foul odor. You can become part of the solution by reporting dead animals and helping to keep Phoenix clean and safe for everyone.

Stay safe, keep Phoenix clean!

People Also Ask About City Of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup

How do I report a dead animal on a city street?

To report a dead animal on a city street, you can call the City of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup at (602) 262-7626. You will be asked for the location of the animal and your contact information in case further information is needed.

What areas does City of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup cover?

City of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup covers dead animals on public streets and rights-of-way within the city limits of Phoenix. If the dead animal is on private property, the owner is responsible for the removal.

How long will it take for the dead animal to be picked up?

The City of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup usually responds to calls within 24 hours of receiving the report.

Will the City of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup remove dead animals from my backyard?

No, the City of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup only removes dead animals from public streets and rights-of-way. It is the responsibility of the property owner to remove dead animals from their own property.

What happens to the dead animal after it has been picked up?

The dead animal is taken to the city's Solid Waste transfer station and disposed of properly.

Is there a fee for the City of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup service?

No, there is no fee for City of Phoenix Dead Animal Pickup service. It is funded by the City of Phoenix Solid Waste Department.

How can I prevent dead animals on city streets?

Here are some tips to help prevent dead animals on City of Phoenix streets:

  • Secure your trash cans so animals don't access it.
  • Don't feed wild animals.
  • Keep pets on a leash when outside.

Are there any risks associated with removing dead animals?

Yes, there are risks associated with removing dead animals. Dead animals can carry diseases and parasites that can be transmitted to humans. It is recommended that you wear gloves and use a shovel or tongs to handle the dead animal. Also, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling a dead animal.