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Master the Art of Catching Snowflakes in Animal Crossing: Step-by-Step Guide

Master the Art of Catching Snowflakes in Animal Crossing: Step-by-Step Guide

Are you a fan of Animal Crossing? Do you love catching snowflakes in the game? We all know that catching snowflakes can be quite challenging, but don't worry, we've got you covered. In this article, we'll guide you on how to catch snowflakes in Animal Crossing effectively. So, read on and become a pro in no time!

First off, let's talk about the basics. When does it snow in Animal Crossing, and where can you find snowflakes? Well, snow usually falls on the 11th of December and lasts until the end of February. You can find snowflakes floating around your island, and they usually appear when it is snowing.

Now let's get down to business. How do you catch snowflakes in Animal Crossing? The easiest way to catch them is to use your bug net, which is the same tool you use to catch bugs. Simply equip your bug net and walk around your island until you spot a snowflake. Position yourself under it, and swing your net towards the snowflake to capture it.

But wait, there's more. Did you know that there are different types of snowflakes with varying rarity levels? Some snowflakes are common, while others are rare and can only be obtained during certain weather conditions. For instance, you can only catch the giant snowflake when it's snowstorming, and it's one of the rarest snowflakes in the game.

Another thing you should know when catching snowflakes in Animal Crossing is that they disappear after a few seconds if you don't catch them in time. So, make sure you're quick and accurate when trying to catch them. The key is to position yourself correctly and swing your net at the right moment. It may take some practice, but once you get the hang of it, catching snowflakes will be a breeze.

What do you do with the snowflakes you've caught? Well, you can use them to craft various winter-related items such as snowmen, snow walls, and ice furniture. Some of these items require specific snowflake types, so make sure to catch as many snowflakes as you can to have a variety of options when crafting.

Now that you know how to catch snowflakes in Animal Crossing let's talk about some tips and tricks to help you catch more snowflakes quickly. One tip is to keep your camera angled downwards when walking around your island, this way you'll spot snowflakes floating in the air easier. Another trick is to hold down the A button while swinging your bug net; this makes your character move a bit slower, giving you more time to position yourself accurately.

Lastly, let's not forget about time travel. If you're running out of time or just want to enjoy the snow season longer, you can simply adjust your Nintendo Switch's internal clock. Just remember that time travel comes with its own set of consequences, so proceed with caution.

In conclusion, catching snowflakes in Animal Crossing can be a fun and rewarding experience. With the right tools, knowledge, and practice, you'll become a pro in no time. So, grab your bug net, position yourself correctly, and swing away. Happy snowflake hunting!

How To Catch Snowflakes Animal Crossing
"How To Catch Snowflakes Animal Crossing" ~ bbaz


Animal Crossing is a popular game that has gained popularity due to the amount of customization it offers. During winters in the game, players are given a chance to catch snowflakes, which can be used for crafting. The process may seem simple, but it requires patience, observation, and precision. In this article, we will discuss how to catch snowflakes in Animal Crossing.

1. Find Snowflakes

The first step to catching snowflakes is to find them. You can spot them easily as they fall from the sky in large numbers. The best time to catch them is during the winter season in the game.

2. Equip a Net

To catch snowflakes, you need to equip a net. This can be done by opening your inventory and selecting the net from there.

3. Position Yourself Correctly

Position yourself correctly so that you can see the snowflakes falling towards you. Make sure that you have a clear view of the space where the snowflake is falling.

4. Patience is Key

Catching snowflakes requires a lot of patience. Sometimes, snowflakes may not fall for a while, so you must be prepared to wait for the right moment.

5. Hold the A Button

When a snowflake falls near you, hold down the A button to start catching it.

6. Aim Carefully

To catch a snowflake, you need to aim carefully. Make sure that you are in the right position and that your net is pointing directly at the snowflake.

7. Timing is Crucial

Timing is crucial when catching a snowflake. You need to hit the A button at the right time to ensure that your net catches the snowflake.

8. Practice Makes Perfect

Catching snowflakes takes practice. Don't get discouraged if you miss a few at first. Keep practicing, and you will become better.

9. Don't Move Too Much

When catching snowflakes, it's essential to stand still. Moving around too much can make it difficult to target the snowflake accurately.

10. Enjoy the Experience

Catching snowflakes in Animal Crossing can be a fun and relaxing experience. So don't forget to enjoy it while you're at it.


Catching snowflakes in Animal Crossing may seem simple, but it requires focus, precision, and patience. By following these tips, you can become an expert at catching snowflakes and crafting some fantastic items using them. Remember to practice and enjoy the experience!

How To Catch Snowflakes in Animal Crossing: A Comparison Guide

Animal Crossing is a popular game that is beloved by gamers of all ages. One of the many fun activities you can do in Animal Crossing is catch snowflakes during the winter season. In this blog article, we will compare how to catch snowflakes in three different Animal Crossing series: New Horizons, Pocket Camp, and Wild World. We will provide tips, tricks, and our opinions on how to catch snowflakes in each series.

New Horizons

New Horizons is the latest installment in the Animal Crossing series. It offers new features and gameplay mechanics that make catching snowflakes more challenging and rewarding. To start catching snowflakes, you need to wait for a snowy day on your island. Snowy days happen from December to February in the Northern Hemisphere and from June to August in the Southern Hemisphere. Once it starts snowing, you can look for snowflakes falling from the sky.

You need a good catching technique to collect snowflakes efficiently. In New Horizons, there are two ways to catch snowflakes:

Net Method

You can catch snowflakes using your trusty bug net. Equip your net and press A to catch a snowflake while standing still. It's easier if you position yourself slightly towards the side the snowflake is falling from rather than directly beneath it.

Tongue Method

If you are feeling daring and want to challenge yourself, you can use the tongue method to catch snowflakes like Yoshi in Super Mario. By pressing A repeatedly while moving, your character will stick their tongue out and attempt to catch snowflakes with their mouth. This method is riskier, since your character moves and may miss the snowflake.

Overall, catching snowflakes in New Horizons is an enjoyable experience. The game rewards players for collecting a certain amount of snowflakes by unlocking DIY recipes to craft unique winter items, like snowman and ice furniture, that you can decorate your island with.

Pocket Camp

Pocket Camp is a mobile adaptation of Animal Crossing that lets you catch snowflakes on the go. It has simplified gameplay mechanics compared to New Horizons, which makes catching snowflakes straightforward.

To start catching snowflakes in Pocket Camp, you need to navigate to the Garden event area during the winter season. You will see snowflakes falling from the sky, and you can catch them using the same method as New Horizons - either with a bug net or with your character's tongue out.

The difference between Pocket Camp and New Horizons is that Pocket Camp has fewer DIY recipes to unlock after collecting a certain amount of snowflakes. Instead, Pocket Camp rewards players by allowing them to exchange snowflakes for seasonal furniture and clothing items that your avatar can wear. Although there are fewer rewards in Pocket Camp, catching snowflakes is still a fun and easy way to pass the time while playing Animal Crossing.

Wild World

Wild World is the second game in the Animal Crossing series and has different gameplay mechanics compared to New Horizons and Pocket Camp. In Wild World, catching snowflakes is more challenging since the snowflakes cannot be caught directly, but must first be trapped in a snowball before being collected.

To start catching snowflakes in Wild World, look for a snowball rolling around your town. Push the snowball on top of a heap of snow deposited by shoveling, and you will create a large snowman. Every time you complete a snowman with the same size, you will receive one piece of furniture. However, to catch snowflakes, you need to push small snowballs into the water until they become ice floes in the dialogue. Wait for the snowflakes to land on the ice floes and then touch them to gather your prize.

The snowflake gathering in Wild World may be more involved, but the game offers players a unique opportunity to build snowmen and collect pieces of furniture missing from New Horizons' DIY recipes.

Comparison Table

Animal Crossing Series Rewards Catching Method Challenge Level
New Horizons DIY Recipes Bug Net or Tongue Medium
Pocket Camp Furniture and Clothing Items Bug Net or Tongue Easy
Wild World Snowman Furniture Trapping Snowballs and Touching Ice Floes Hard

Our Opinion

Catching snowflakes is an enjoyable activity in all Animal Crossing series. We love how each game offers its own unique gameplay mechanics and rewards players in different ways. We found that New Horizons offers the most challenge and potential for reward with its DIY recipe system while Pocket Camp offers a more casual experience on the go. Wild World offers the most creative way to catch snowflakes and reward players. Overall, we recommend trying all three games for their unique take on catching snowflakes in Animal Crossing.

How to Catch Snowflakes in Animal Crossing: A Comprehensive Guide


Winter is a magical season in Animal Crossing, where the island is covered in snow and the air is filled with snowflakes. One of the most exciting activities during this time is catching snowflakes. In this tutorial, we will go through everything you need to know about how to catch snowflakes in Animal Crossing.

What are Snowflakes in Animal Crossing?

Snowflakes are seasonal items that players can collect during the winter season in Animal Crossing. These snowflakes are peculiar in that they only appear for a limited time, so players need to act fast if they want to add them to their collection.

When Do Snowflakes Appear?

Snowflakes start appearing on December 11th and last until February 24th. During this time, snowflakes will appear randomly throughout the day. You should keep an eye out for them when you're out and about on your island.

How to Catch Snowflakes in Animal Crossing?

Catching snowflakes in Animal Crossing is relatively easy. To do so, you have to follow these simple steps:1. Look for snowflakes scattered throughout your island.2. Once you spot a snowflake, approach it carefully.3. Equip your net.4. Aim carefully and swing your net.5. Collect the snowflake.

Types of Snowflakes

There are four different types of snowflakes in Animal Crossing, each with its unique appearance. These are:1. Regular Snowflakes - These are the most common snowflakes, and players can find them all over the island.2. Large Snowflakes - These snowflakes are rarer than regular ones, and players will need to catch several regular snowflakes to create them.3. Rare Snowflakes - These snowflakes are the rarest in the game and appear infrequently.4. Ornate Snowflakes - These snowflakes are the most beautiful of all the different types of snowflakes in the game.

What Can You Do with Snowflakes in Animal Crossing?

In Animal Crossing, there are several things you can do with snowflakes. You can use them to craft various seasonal items that can decorate your island or give it a winter feel. Listed below are some of the crafts you can make:1. Festive Wrapping Paper2. Iceberg Flooring3. Snowflake Wall4. Frozen Arch5. Winter-Solstice Sweater

The Bottom Line

Catching snowflakes is a fun winter activity in Animal Crossing that adds a new dimension to the game during the winter season. By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this tutorial, you should be able to collect many snowflakes and make some fantastic crafts with them. Happy snowflake hunting!

How To Catch Snowflakes Animal Crossing: A Guide For Beginners

Welcome to the world of Animal Crossing! The winter season brings a lot of new features, including the ability to catch snowflakes. This can be a bit overwhelming for new players, but fear not - this guide will take you through everything you need to know about catching snowflakes in Animal Crossing.

First things first, let's talk about what you need to catch snowflakes. You'll need a net, which you can buy from Timmy and Tommy's shop or craft yourself using tree branches. Once you have your net, head outside and start searching for snowflakes falling from the sky.

Snowflakes can appear at any time during the day or night, but they're most common during the months of December and January. Keep an eye out for them while you're running errands or exploring your island.

When you spot a snowflake, equip your net and approach it slowly. If you move too quickly, you'll scare it away! Stand directly underneath the snowflake and press the 'A' button on your controller to swing your net upwards.

Timing is everything when it comes to catching snowflakes. You'll need to swing your net just as the snowflake is about to land on your character's head. If you're successful, the snowflake will be caught in your net and added to your inventory.

It's important to note that not all snowflakes are created equal. There are two types of snowflakes in Animal Crossing - regular snowflakes and large snowflakes. Regular snowflakes can be used as crafting materials, while large snowflakes are rarer and can be sold for a higher price at Nook's Cranny.

Additionally, there are special snowflakes that only appear during certain events. For example, during the Toy Day event in December, you can catch festive snowflakes that can be used to craft holiday-themed items. Keep an eye out for these special snowflakes to make the most out of your winter season.

Snowflakes aren't the only thing you can catch during the winter season. Make sure to also keep an eye out for other seasonal creatures like snowflakes or the elusive golden trout.

Finally, don’t forget to dress warmly! While catching snowflakes, it's important to make sure your character doesn't get too cold. Wear a winter coat, gloves, and a hat to stay warm and comfortable while exploring your island.

In conclusion, catching snowflakes is a fun and rewarding activity in Animal Crossing. With these tips, you'll be able to catch all kinds of snowflakes and use them to create beautiful wintertime crafts. So bundle up and head outside - those snowflakes won't catch themselves!

We hope this guide has been helpful to you. Happy catching!

People Also Ask: How To Catch Snowflakes Animal Crossing

What are Snowflakes in Animal Crossing?

Snowflakes are one of the seasonal items that players can collect in Animal Crossing. They appear in the game during the winter season and can be used for crafting various winter-themed items, such as snowflake wreaths, snowmen, and ice furniture sets.

How do I catch Snowflakes in Animal Crossing?

To catch Snowflakes, players need to wait for a snowfall or blizzard weather into their island. Once the snowfall appears, players can need to look up and watch out for the falling Snowflakes in the sky. When a snowflake is seen, the player needs to quickly run towards it and press the A button to catch it with a net.

Can I sell Snowflakes in Animal Crossing?

Yes, players can sell snowflakes at Nook's Cranny for 200 Bells each. However, it is recommended to save a few snowflakes for crafting so that you have enough to make the different winter objects in the game.

What can I do with Snowflakes in Animal Crossing?

Snowflakes are used in various winter-themed DIY crafting recipes for making furniture items, clothing, and other decorations. Players can craft snowflake wreaths, snowboys or snowmen by combining snowflakes, snowballs, and other materials.

How many Snowflakes do I need for crafting?

The number of snowflakes required varies depending on the DIY recipe. Some items require a few snowflakes, while others need many more. The easiest way to know the amount of snowflakes required is to check the recipe before crafting the item.

So, there you go. By waiting for snowfall or blizzard, looking up in the sky to find Snowflakes, running towards it and capturing it with a net, players can catch snowflakes from the air in Animal Crossing. These beautiful seasonal items can be used to craft various winter-themed items.