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Discover Your Inner Animal with Our Fun Animal House Quiz

Discover Your Inner Animal with Our Fun Animal House Quiz

Did you grow up watching Animal House and always wonder which character you would be if you were a part of the Delta Tau Chi fraternity? Well, the wait is over because we have put together a quiz to uncover which Animal House character you truly are. Are you ready to find out?

First things first, let's introduce you to the characters just in case it has been a while since you've watched the movie. There's Bluto, the lovable but clueless party animal; Otter, the ladies' man who always knows how to charm them; Boon, the responsible one who tries to keep everyone in check; Pinto, the innocent freshman trying to fit in; Flounder, the clumsy and naive sidekick; and finally, D-Day, the motorcycle-riding handyman with a badass attitude.

Now that you are familiar with the options, let's dive into the quiz. Answer the following questions honestly and we will reveal which Animal House character you align with the most. Are you more likely to slam a beer and start a food fight, or would you rather study quietly in your room?

As we all know, Animal House is a classic comedy film that has stood the test of time. Did you know that it was released in 1978 and has earned over $141 million worldwide? That's not too shabby for a movie with a budget of $3 million. It's no wonder that so many people still quote its iconic lines today.

Back to the quiz, are you more of a leader like Otter or do you prefer to fly under the radar like Pinto? Perhaps you are a little bit of both like Boon. Whatever the outcome may be, just remember that Animal House is all about having fun and letting loose. Don't be afraid to embrace your wild side every once in a while.

Do you remember the scene where Bluto gives his famous pep-talk to the Delta Tau Chi fraternity? Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no! That scene is just one of many memorable moments from the movie. Which scene stands out most to you?

It's important to note that Animal House is not just about partying and causing chaos. It also touches on themes such as brotherhood, loyalty, and standing up for what you believe in. D-Day may come across as tough and gruff, but he is always willing to help his friends when they need it most.

Have you ever tried recreating the toga party scene from Animal House? It may seem like a wild idea, but apparently, toga parties are still quite popular on college campuses. In fact, in 2012, a university in Virginia attempted to break the Guinness World Record for the largest toga party. They had over 3,700 participants join in on the fun.

We hope you have enjoyed this quiz and learning more about your Animal House character. Whether you got Bluto or Otter, just remember that at the end of the day, we should all strive to be like Flounder - kind-hearted and loyal to our friends. So go ahead, grab a beer and enjoy the ride.

If you're still feeling nostalgic after taking the quiz, why not plan a movie night with your friends and watch Animal House together? It's a great way to relive the laughs and shenanigans all over again. Who knows, maybe you'll discover a new favorite character in the process.

In conclusion, Animal House may be a film from a different era, but its spirit and humor resonate with audiences to this day. Taking the quiz may have just helped you discover your inner Bluto or Otter, but it's important to remember that we can all be a little bit of every character if we embrace our sense of adventure and fun. So grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.

Which Animal House Character Are You
"Which Animal House Character Are You" ~ bbaz

Have you ever wondered which Animal House character you are? This classic 1978 film, directed by John Landis, follows a group of rowdy fraternity brothers at Faber College as they party, prank, and rebel against authority.

The Ringleader: Bluto

If you identify with the wild and unpredictable Bluto Blutarsky, then you are the ringleader of your friend group. You often rely on your charisma and humor to get out of sticky situations, but can sometimes go too far in your antics.

The Rebel: John Bluto Blutarsky

Bluto embodies the spirit of rebellion and nonconformity, standing up against uptight authority figures like Dean Wormer. If you see yourself as an outsider who refuses to follow the rules, then you might be a Bluto.

The Smooth Talker: Otter

Do you have a way with words and a talent for seduction? Then you might be a smooth talker like the charming Eric Otter Stratton. Otter uses his charisma and wit to charm his way into parties and women's hearts.

The Charmer: Eric Otter Stratton

You are always surrounded by admirers, but sometimes your smooth talking can get you into trouble. Otter has a tendency to make promises he can't keep, so if you're a charmer like him, make sure you follow through on your commitments.

The Sophisticate: Boon

If you value intellect and sophistication, then you might be a Boon like Peter Riegert's character in Animal House. Boon is the voice of reason in the fraternity, often offering sage advice to his friends.

The Intellectual: Peter Boon Schoenstein

Boon is the embodiment of the college intellectual, discussing philosophy and literature with his girlfriend Katy. He also takes on a mentor role for the younger fraternity brothers, helping them navigate the challenges of college life.

The Jester: Pinto

Are you the joker of your friend group, always making people laugh and lightening the mood? Then you might be a Pinto like Tom Hulce's character in Animal House.

The Comedian: Lawrence Pinto Kroger

Pinto is always up for a good time, whether he's playing pranks with his fraternity brothers or wooing the beautiful Clorette DePasto. If you're a comedian like him, make sure you don't take things too far and hurt others' feelings.

The Rebel with a Heart: D-Day

If you see yourself as a rebel with a heart, then you might be a D-Day like Bruce McGill's character in Animal House. D-Day is a motorcycle enthusiast who loves taking risks and breaking the rules.

The Risk-Taker: Daniel Simpson Day, AKA D-Day

However, he also shows compassion and loyalty to his fraternity brothers, especially in the climactic scene where he helps them stage a wild party to save their fraternity from being shut down. If you're a rebel with a heart like D-Day, make sure you balance your desire for adventure with your friendships and responsibilities.

Which Animal House Character Are You?

Have you ever wondered which Animal House character you would be if you were part of Delta Tau Chi fraternity? This iconic 1978 movie has cemented its place in pop culture and continues to be a favorite among many. Let's take a closer look at some of the characters and see which one you best identify with.

Bluto: The Party Animal

Bluto is infamous for his love of partying, food, and beer. He's the life of the party, even if he doesn't always make the best decisions. Bluto is always willing to lend a hand to his friends and will do anything to protect Delta Tau Chi. If you're the kind of person who likes to have a good time and is always up for a party, then you might be a Bluto.

Greg: The Rules Follower

Greg is the opposite of Bluto in many ways. He's more serious and responsible, and he often finds himself frustrated by the antics of his fellow frat brothers. Greg is intelligent and studious, and he cares about doing well academically. If you're the kind of person who doesn't like to break rules and would rather focus on your studies, then you might be a Greg.

Bluto Greg
Personality Traits Outgoing, fun-loving, protective Serious, responsible, studious
Lifestyle Choices Likes to party, eats a lot, drinks heavily Follows the rules, focuses on academics
Relationships with Friends Loyal and supportive of his friends Frustrated by his friends' antics

Flounder: The Naive One

Flounder is one of the youngest members of Delta Tau Chi and is easily influenced by his friends. He's often put in uncomfortable situations but goes along with things because he wants to fit in. Flounder is a loyal friend, but he's also naive and doesn't always understand the repercussions of his actions. If you're the kind of person who tends to go along with the crowd even if you're not sure it's the right thing to do, then you might be a Flounder.

D-Day: The Rebel

D-Day is the daring motorcycle-riding rebel of Delta Tau Chi. He doesn't follow rules and does things his way, even if it means getting into trouble. D-Day has a mischievous streak and enjoys pushing boundaries. If you're the kind of person who likes to push limits and break from the norm, then you might be a D-Day.

Katy: The Supportive Girlfriend

Katy is the girlfriend of one of the members of Delta Tau Chi and is often seen helping out around the frat house. She's kind and supportive of her boyfriend and his friends, even when they get into trouble. Katy is intelligent and level-headed, and she often helps keep the boys in check. If you're the kind of person who is supportive of your loved ones and helps them stay on track, then you might be a Katy.

Otter: The Smooth Talker

Otter is the smooth-talking ladies' man of Delta Tau Chi. He's confident and charming, and he always seems to know the right thing to say. Otter is intelligent and resourceful, and he often uses his smarts to get out of sticky situations. If you're the kind of person who is good at talking your way out of things and has a way with words, then you might be an Otter.


Animal House offers a variety of characters to choose from, each with their own unique personality traits and lifestyle choices. Whether you're a party animal like Bluto or a responsible student like Greg, there's a character for everyone. Identifying which Animal House character you are can provide insight into your own personality and help you connect with others who share similar traits. So, which Animal House character are you?

Which Animal House Character Are You: A Guide to Reliving the Classic Fraternity Flick


Animal House is a classic fraternity movie that occupies a special place in American pop culture. The movie has become the benchmark for college comedies, and some of its characters have become household names. From Otter to Boone to Bluto to Pinto, the characters in this movie embody different sides of college life. In this article, we will be taking a look at which animal house character are you, so whether you are an incoming freshman or you want to relive your college years, read on.

The Characters

Before we dive into the quiz to determine which character you would be in Animal House, let us go through some of the significant characters in the film;
  • Bluto (John Belushi)
  • Otter (Tim Matheson)
  • Pinto (Tom Hulce)
  • Boon (Peter Riegert)
  • D-Day (Bruce McGill)
  • Flounder (Stephen Furst)
  • Niedermeyer (Mark Metcalf)
  • Marmalard (James Widdoes)
  • Dean Wormer (John Vernon)
  • Katy (Karen Allen)

Which Animal House Character Are You Quiz

Answer the following questions, tally your points, and find out which one of the animal house characters you would be;
  1. What word best describes your approach to work?
    a) Lazy (+ 1 point)
    b) Self-starter (+ 2 points)
    c) Perfectionist (+3 points)
  2. What is your favorite party theme?
    a) Toga (+1 point)
    b) Masquerade (+2 points)
    c) Hawaiian luau (+3 points)
  3. What is the best way to deal with bullies?
    a) Run and hide (+1 point)
    b) Fight back (+2 points)
    c) Outsmart them (+3 points)
  4. What type of student were you in high school?
    a) Valedictorian (+1 point)
    b) Class clown (+2 points)
    c) I barely graduated (+3 points)
  5. Which animal would you keep as a pet?
    a) Dog (+1 point)
    b) Cat (+2 points)
    c) Snake (+3 points)
  6. What is your favorite pass time?
    a) Drinking with friends (+1 point)
    b) Reading a book (+2 points)
    c) Working out (+3 points)
  7. You are throwing a party. Which statement best describes you?
    a) I will make sure everyone is having a good time (+1 point)
    b) I am socializing with a select group of people (+2 points)
    c) I am in the corner observing everyone (+3 points)
  8. You have a test tomorrow. What do you do?
    a) Cram all night (+1 point)
    b) Study ahead of time (+2 points)
    c) Don't study at all (+3 points)
  9. What is your favorite food?
    a) Fast food (+1 point)
    b) Italian food (+2 points)
    c) Fine dining (+3 points)
  10. The best way to spend your weekend is?
    a) Traveling to a new place (+1 point)
    b) Doing something active like hiking (+2 points)
    c) Binge-watching a show you have seen before (+3 points)

Tallying Your Points

Now that you have answered all the questions, tally your points and find out which Animal House character you are;
  • If your total score is between 10-15, you are Flounder.
  • If your total score is between 16-22, you are Pinto.
  • If your total score is between 23-27, you are Bluto.
  • If your score is between 28-32, you are Otter.
  • If your score is between 33-36, you are Boon.


In conclusion, Animal House is a classic movie that still resonates with audiences today. The characters in the film embody different aspects of college life, and it is interesting to see which ones we resemble the most. Whether you are Flounder, Pinto, Bluto, Otter, or Boon, one thing is for sure, Animal House will go down in history as one of the greatest films of all time.

Which Animal House Character Are You?

Welcome to the world of Animal House! The movie that defined a generation and introduced some of the most memorable characters in cinematic history.

With so many iconic characters to love, we thought it would be fun to take a closer look and find out which one you relate to the most. Are you a wacky Bluto or a mischievous Otter? Maybe you're more like the uptight Dean Wormer or the buttoned-down Omega pledge Flounder? Find out now!

Let's get started with our quiz!

Q1. You're at a party and someone spills beer on your shirt. What do you do?

If you answered chug another beer like Bluto, you're definitely a free spirit who likes to live in the moment. You don't let the little things get you down and always find a way to make the most out of any situation. If you answered clean it up and go home like Flounder, you're a bit more conservative and prefer to stay out of trouble. You may not be the life of the party, but you're a loyal friend who always has everyone's back.

Q2. It's finals week and you have a big exam tomorrow. What's your plan?

If you answered party all night and hope for the best like Otter, you're a risk-taker who's not afraid to live on the edge. You crave adventure and excitement, and sometimes that means taking shortcuts when it comes to responsibilities. If you answered study all night and ace the test like Boon, you're a responsible and disciplined person who takes your obligations seriously. You may not be the life of the party, but your hard work pays off in the end.

Q3. You're at a frat party and someone challenges you to a drinking contest. What do you do?

If you answered bring it on like D-Day, you're a party animal who loves to have a good time. You're always up for a challenge, and you never back down from an opportunity to prove yourself. If you answered pass on the competition like Katy, you're a bit more reserved and would rather enjoy the party at your own pace. You're not afraid to be yourself and know when it's time to reign it in.

No matter which character you got, we hope you enjoyed taking our quiz! Animal House was a classic movie that brought together many different types of personalities and showed the unique qualities that make each individual special. Whether you're an Otter, Bluto, Flounder, or any other character, you have something valuable to offer the world.

So embrace your inner animal and never stop having fun!

Thank you for visiting our blog and participating in this quiz!

People Also Ask: Which Animal House Character Are You?

What is Animal House?

Animal House is a 1978 comedy film directed by John Landis and starring John Belushi, Tim Matheson, and Karen Allen. It follows a group of misfit frat brothers who plan to disrupt the strict rules of their college.

Who are the main characters in Animal House?

The main characters in Animal House are:

  • Bluto (John Belushi)
  • Boon (Peter Riegert)
  • Katy (Karen Allen)
  • D-Day (Bruce McGill)
  • Otter (Tim Matheson)
  • Pinto (Tom Hulce)

Which Animal House character am I?

To find out which Animal House character you are, take this personality quiz:

  1. What is your favorite pastime?
    • a. Drinking and partying
    • b. Playing sports
    • c. Studying and getting good grades
    • d. Building machines and inventing things
  2. What is your greatest strength?
    • a. Loyalty
    • b. Athleticism
    • c. Intelligence
    • d. Creativity
  3. How do you handle conflict?
    • a. I use humor to diffuse the situation
    • b. I rely on physical strength and intimidation
    • c. I try to use reason and logic
    • d. I use my resourcefulness to find a solution
  4. What is your dream job?
    • a. Party animal
    • b. Professional athlete
    • c. Ivy League professor
    • d. Inventor or entrepreneur
  5. What is your favorite food?
    • a. Pizza
    • b. Steak and potatoes
    • c. Salad
    • d. Anything I've cooked or baked myself
  6. Which Animal House character are you?
    • If you chose mostly a's, you are Bluto.
    • If you chose mostly b's, you are D-Day.
    • If you chose mostly c's, you are Katy.
    • If you chose mostly d's, you are Boon.