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Discover Which Animal Boasts the Cleanest Mouth in the Animal Kingdom.

Discover Which Animal Boasts the Cleanest Mouth in the Animal Kingdom.

Have you ever wondered which animal has the cleanest mouth? Is it your lovable pet dog or your purring feline friend? Perhaps it's the majestic elephant or the powerful lion? Let's explore this topic further and discover which animal takes the crown for having the cleanest mouth.

To start, it's important to understand that animals have different oral hygiene habits compared to humans. Most animals don't brush their teeth twice a day or make regular trips to the dentist. However, some animals have unique ways of keeping their mouths clean and healthy.

Did you know that hippos secrete a sticky red fluid that acts as a natural mouthwash? This fluid protects their gums from infection and keeps their teeth sparkling clean. Additionally, some birds like the Egyptian Plover have a symbiotic relationship with large mammals such as hippos and crocodiles. They clean these animals' teeth by feeding off the leftover food debris and parasites in their mouths.

Another surprising contender for the cleanest mouth belongs to none other than the humble rat. Yes, you read that right! Rats have an impressive self-cleaning system where they use their tongue and front paws to groom themselves. In fact, they spend up to 20% of their waking hours grooming their fur and whiskers, which includes cleaning their mouth.

But let's not forget our furry house pets - dogs and cats. These beloved animals have bacteria in their mouths that can be harmful to humans, but they also have saliva enzymes that can help sanitize wounds and fight infections. For instance, a dog's saliva contains an enzyme called lysozyme, which can kill harmful bacteria like E. coli.

Still not convinced which animal has the cleanest mouth? According to a study conducted by researchers at the National Institutes of Health, the Tasmanian devil ranks first in oral cleanliness. These fierce carnivorous marsupials have highly acidic saliva that can kill bacteria and viruses, making them resistant to infections and diseases.

So there you have it - the Tasmanian devil wins the title for having the cleanest mouth. But, of course, every animal has unique ways of taking care of their oral hygiene, and it's important to remember that each species plays a vital role in our ecosystem.

In conclusion, exploring which animal has the cleanest mouth is not only fascinating but informative as well. By learning about different animals' self-cleaning tricks, we can gain a better appreciation for the diversity of life on our planet. So next time you see your furry friend grooming themselves, take a moment to appreciate their self-care habits and the fascinating world of animal hygiene.

Which Animal Has The Cleanest Mouth
"Which Animal Has The Cleanest Mouth" ~ bbaz

Have you ever wondered which animal has the cleanest mouth? It's a common fact that most animals have dirty mouths, but there are some exceptions. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the various animals known for their impeccable oral hygiene.

1. Dogs

It's no secret that dogs love to lick everything in sight, but surprisingly enough, they have one of the cleanest mouths out there. Their saliva contains special enzymes that break down bacteria and germs, keeping their teeth and gums healthy. However, it's important to note that dogs still need to have their teeth brushed regularly to maintain optimal dental health.

2. Cats

Cats are another animal known for their clean mouths. Like dogs, they also have special enzymes in their saliva that help prevent plaque and tartar buildup. However, unlike dogs, cats are not as prone to dental issues, mainly because they do not consume as much sugary and starchy foods.

3. Koalas

Believe it or not, koalas are one animal that takes cleanliness seriously. These cute marsupials spend up to 20 hours a day grooming themselves, including their mouths. They use their rough tongues to scrape away bacteria and food particles, keeping their saliva clean and healthy.

4. Gorillas

Gorillas are also known for their impeccable oral hygiene. These gentle giants will spend hours picking at leftover food particles and ingredients stuck between their teeth, further proving that good dental hygiene is crucial even in the wild.

5. Rabbits

Rabbits have incredibly clean mouths, thanks to their habit of constantly chewing on hay and grass. The constant chewing wears away plaque and bacteria and keeps their teeth healthy and sharp.

In Conclusion

While most animals have dirty mouths, there are a few exceptions. Dogs, cats, koalas, gorillas, and rabbits are just a few examples of animals that take oral hygiene seriously. Whether it's through special enzymes in their saliva or constant grooming, these animals understand the importance of taking care of their teeth and gums. As pet owners, it's essential to provide our furry friends with the same level of dental care to ensure their overall health and well-being.

Which Animal Has The Cleanest Mouth?


It is common belief that dogs have very dirty mouths, but how true is this? Is it possible that other animals might actually have cleaner mouths than dogs? In this article, we will take a closer look at the oral hygiene of various animals and compare them to determine which animal truly has the cleanest mouth.


Let's start with the animal that is commonly thought to have the dirtiest mouth - dogs. Dogs are known to eat just about anything, even things that are not meant for consumption. This habit can lead to a buildup of bacteria in their mouths, causing bad breath and an increased risk of tooth decay. However, dogs also produce a lot of saliva, which helps keep their mouths clean by flushing out food particles and bacteria.

Table 1: Comparison of Oral Hygiene in Dogs

| Factors | Description || --- | --- || Tooth decay | Common in dogs due to a buildup of bacteria in the mouth || Bad breath | Often caused by the presence of bacteria in the mouth || Saliva production | Produced in large quantities, helps clean the mouth by flushing out food particles |


Cats are generally considered to be quite clean animals, often meticulously grooming themselves several times a day. However, when it comes to their oral hygiene, cats are not much better off than dogs. Like dogs, cats are prone to tooth decay and bad breath due to a buildup of bacteria in their mouths. Additionally, many cats are given dry food, which does not provide the necessary moisture to help clean their mouths.

Table 2: Comparison of Oral Hygiene in Cats

| Factors | Description || --- | --- || Tooth decay | Common in cats due to a buildup of bacteria in the mouth || Bad breath | Often caused by the presence of bacteria in the mouth || Diet | Many cats are given dry food which does not help clean their mouths |


Rabbits are often overlooked when it comes to oral hygiene, but they actually have some of the cleanest mouths in the animal kingdom. This is due to their unique dental structure - rabbits have teeth that continue to grow throughout their lives, which means they must constantly gnaw on fibrous foods to keep their teeth from becoming overgrown. This gnawing action helps to naturally clean their teeth and gums, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Table 3: Comparison of Oral Hygiene in Rabbits

| Factors | Description || --- | --- || Tooth decay | Uncommon in rabbits due to their continual gnawing action || Gum disease | Rare in rabbits due to their continually growing teeth || Diet | Fibrous diet helps naturally clean teeth and gums |


Horses are another animal that have surprisingly clean mouths. Like rabbits, horses have teeth that continue to grow throughout their lives and require constant chewing to keep them healthy. Additionally, horses produce a lot of saliva, which helps keep their mouths clean and flush out any food particles or bacteria.

Table 4: Comparison of Oral Hygiene in Horses

| Factors | Description || --- | --- || Tooth decay | Uncommon in horses due to constant chewing || Saliva production | Produced in large quantities, helps clean the mouth by flushing out food particles || Gum disease | Rare in horses due to constant chewing |


After comparing the oral hygiene of several different animals, it is clear that rabbits and horses have the cleanest mouths. While dogs and cats are prone to tooth decay and bad breath, rabbits and horses have teeth that continue to grow and require constant chewing to keep them healthy. Additionally, both animals produce a lot of saliva, which helps keep their mouths clean and free of bacteria. However, it is important to remember that good oral hygiene is important for all animals, regardless of whether they are known for having clean mouths or not.

Which Animal Has The Cleanest Mouth?

An Overview of Animal Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene is an essential aspect of maintaining overall health, and this applies not only to humans but also to animals. Just like people, animals need to maintain dental hygiene to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health problems. Unfortunately, not all animals have access to toothbrushes, floss, or mouthwash, leading to different outcomes in oral hygiene.

The Myth of Animal Mouth Cleanliness

There is a popular myth that animals have cleaner mouths than humans, but this may not necessarily be true. After all, it is common to see dogs and cats lick their private parts or eat feces, which hardly supports the idea of a clean mouth. But some animals do have less harmful bacteria in their mouths, which can reduce the likelihood of dental diseases.

The Winners of the Cleanest Mouth Contest

So, which animal has the cleanest mouth? According to research by scientists at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, meerkats are among the top contenders for the cleanest mouth award. The study found that meerkats have unique adaptations in their oral microbiota, which leads to a more diverse and stable ecosystem. Besides, meerkats exhibit interesting behaviors, such as grooming each other's teeth. Other animals known for their relatively clean mouths include gorillas, baboons, and ruminants such as cows and sheep. These animals have a slow rate of enamel erosion, which reduces their susceptibility to dental cavities. Also, their diet mostly comprises plant matter, which provides an alkaline environment in the mouth, preventing the growth of harmful bacteria.

The Underdogs: Animals with Dirty Mouths

On the flip side, some animals harbor harmful bacteria that can lead to severe oral health issues. For example, crocodiles and alligators have mouths that are a breeding ground for bacteria. Their saliva is known to contain potentially lethal strains of bacteria, which they use to catch and kill their prey.Other animals with dirty mouths are mammals such as bears, raccoons, and wolves. These animals have a high prevalence of cavities and other dental problems due to their diet of meat and sugar-rich foods.

Taking Care of Animal Oral Hygiene

Regardless of the cleanliness of their mouths, all animals need proper dental care to prevent oral health problems. Pet owners can keep their pets' teeth clean by brushing them regularly, providing safe chew toys, and feeding them a balanced diet. For other animals living in the wild, there is no toothbrush to maintain oral hygiene. Instead, they rely on the natural environment and their diet to keep their teeth in good shape.


In conclusion, the question of which animal has the cleanest mouth is difficult to answer definitively. While some animals have adaptations that support a clean oral environment, others are prone to oral diseases due to their environment and diet. Regardless, all animals need proper dental care to maintain overall health and well-being.

Which Animal Has The Cleanest Mouth?

Have you ever wondered if your pet's mouth is cleaner than yours? Or which animal has the cleanest mouth in the animal kingdom? In this article, we will explore different animals and rank them based on the cleanliness of their mouths.

Firstly, let's look at domestic animals. According to a survey conducted by the American Veterinary Medical Association, dogs have cleaner mouths than humans. It might be surprising to hear, but dogs' saliva has an enzyme that helps kill bacteria, making their mouths cleaner than ours. However, dogs still require oral care, including regular brushing to prevent tartar buildup and gum diseases.

Secondly, cats are known for their hygiene, and their fastidiousness extends to their mouths. Cats are constantly grooming themselves, including cleaning their teeth and whiskers. They use their rough tongues to scrape off plaque and food particles from their teeth' surfaces while also massaging their gums. Although their mouths are not as clean as dogs due to the absence of the enzyme, they still maintain good hygiene.

Thirdly, rabbits are also famous for being clean animals. They devote a lot of time to grooming daily, and they are incredibly precise and thorough. When it comes to their mouths, rabbits tend to be conscientious about keeping them clean. They clean their teeth by chewing on hard materials such as hay, branches, and other toys. Moreover, their incisors can grow 3-4mm per week, so they need to chew continuously to prevent the overgrowth of their teeth.

Now, let's look at wild animals. Sharks are creatures known for their sharp teeth and ferocious nature, but they also have clean mouths. Surprisingly, sharks have a natural coating on their teeth that works as an antibacterial agent, preventing the growth of harmful bacteria. Moreover, sharks are resistant to most dental diseases, unlike humans.

Lastly, the winner of the animal kingdom's cleanest mouth is the hippopotamus. They have pink gums and almost white teeth, which is a good indication of freshness. Hippopotamuses spend around six hours a day grazing on different plants but only eat clean ones. Additionally, they have a unique secretion that covers their skin to protect them from sunburn and infections. This secretion also prevents the growth of bacteria in their mouths, keeping them clean and healthy.

To conclude, every animal has a unique way of maintaining good oral hygiene. While some animals are naturally cleaner than others, all animals require proper care to maintain hygiene. Therefore, it's crucial to provide proper oral care for your pets and teach them healthy habits to lead a happy life.

Thank you for reading this article. We hope it has been informative and entertaining. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave them in the comments section below.

People Also Ask: Which Animal Has The Cleanest Mouth?


Cleanliness is a big concern, especially when it comes to hygiene. Different animals have different types of mouths, and their cleanliness levels also vary. In this article, we will explore the question of which animal has the cleanest mouth.

1. Are dogs' mouths cleaner than humans'?

  • Many people believe that dogs' mouths are cleaner than humans', but this is not entirely true.
  • Dogs' mouths can carry harmful bacteria such as E. Coli and Salmonella, which can cause infections in humans.
  • However, dogs have natural enzymes in their saliva that help fight against bacteria and promote healing in their own wounds.
  • Overall, dogs' mouths are not necessarily cleaner than humans' mouths, but they have certain features that can be beneficial.

2. What about cats?

  • Cats are known for their grooming habits, which involve licking themselves to keep clean.
  • While cats' tongues are covered in tiny, backward-facing spines called papillae, which help clean their fur and remove fleas, they can still carry harmful bacteria in their mouths.
  • Cats can transmit a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii through their saliva, which can be harmful to pregnant women and individuals with weak immune systems.
  • Therefore, while cats may appear clean due to their grooming habits, their mouths can still pose certain risks.

3. So, which animal has the cleanest mouth?

  • Believe it or not, the animal with the cleanest mouth is the hippopotamus.
  • Hippos have a self-cleaning system in which their mouths produce a special type of mucus that acts as an antibiotic and prevents the growth of bacteria.
  • In addition, hippos have incredibly tough skin that protects them from injury and infection.
  • While hippos may not be the first animal that comes to mind when you think of cleanliness, their mouths are surprisingly clean and well-protected.


While different animals have varying levels of mouth cleanliness, it is important to remember that all animals can carry harmful bacteria that can be transmitted to humans. Practicing good hygiene habits, such as washing your hands after interacting with animals, can help prevent infections and promote overall health.