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Troubleshooting Guide: Dealing with a Dead Animal in Your AC Unit

Troubleshooting Guide: Dealing with a Dead Animal in Your AC Unit

Dead Animal in Outside AC Unit: How to Deal with the Smelly Situation

Have you noticed a foul smell coming from your outside AC unit? Do you suspect that there might be a dead animal inside? Well, you're not alone. This is a common problem that many homeowners face, and it can be a real pain to deal with. But fear not, because in this article, we will guide you on how to deal with this smelly situation.

The Consequences of Ignoring a Dead Animal in Your AC Unit

Ignoring a dead animal in your AC unit can lead to multiple issues, including:

  • Unpleasant odor that fills your home
  • Mold and bacterial growth due to the decomposing animal
  • Poor air quality, leading to health problems for you and your family
  • Dysfunctional AC unit, leading to higher energy bills and costly repairs

Now, do you want to deal with all of these consequences just because of a dead animal? We didn't think so. So, let's move on to the solutions.

The Solutions

Here are some solutions that you can try:

1. Hire a Professional

The easiest and most efficient solution is to hire a professional to remove the dead animal. They have the right tools and equipment to safely remove the animal without causing any damage to your AC unit. Plus, they can clean and disinfect the unit to prevent any further issues.

2. DIY Method

If you're a DIY enthusiast and want to save some money, you can try removing the dead animal yourself. However, this method requires some precautions and protective gear, such as gloves, a face mask, and a long-sleeved shirt. You can use a long stick or a pair of tongs to remove the animal and dispose of it properly. Afterward, don't forget to clean the AC unit thoroughly.

3. Prevention

The best solution is prevention. You can prevent animals from getting into your AC unit by installing screens, covering the unit when not in use, and trimming nearby vegetation. This way, you won't have to deal with a dead animal in the first place.


No one likes the smell of a dead animal, especially when it's coming from your AC unit. Ignoring the issue can lead to multiple consequences, from health problems to costly repairs. Fortunately, there are solutions that you can try, such as hiring a professional, DIY method, and prevention. Choose the most suitable solution for your situation and enjoy fresh air in your home once again.

Dead Animal In Outside Ac Unit
"Dead Animal In Outside Ac Unit" ~ bbaz

The Unfortunate Event of a Dead Animal in Your Outdoor AC Unit


Air conditioners are a crucial part of any American household’s everyday life, especially during the summers. It helps us beat the heat and maintain a comfortable temperature in our homes. However, with outdoor AC units comes the risk of having a dead animal trapped inside them. This incident can be very dangerous for our health, and it is essential to address the problem immediately.

The Problem of Dead Animals in Outdoor AC Units

The potential problem of having dead animals stuck in an outdoor AC unit is not uncommon. The sheltered location of AC units makes them ideal locations for critters to nest, and sometimes, animals could be accidentally trapped inside without our knowledge. If left untreated, it can cause various problems, including foul odors, uninvited insects, and even harmful pollutants.

Not only does this problem negatively affect our health, but it may also have a direct impact on the functionality of your AC unit. Debris and animal remains clogging the unit can cause inefficiency, higher energy bills, and even complete damage to the system.

The Health Risks

The smell of decomposing animals will put you at risk for various illnesses. The smell itself is unbearable and will permeate throughout your entire home. Dead animals are a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and can cause airborne illnesses, including Salmonella, leptospirosis, rat-bite fever, Hantavirus, and many others. Some of these illnesses can cause long-term health issues like respiratory problems and even death.

The Solution

When it comes to dead animals in your outdoor AC unit, it is essential to contact a professional and let them handle the problem. A professional serviceman will help you remove the dead animal from the unit, clean it thoroughly, and sanitize the area to prevent any harmful bacteria from spreading. They will also look for any damage caused by the animal to your AC unit and address it accordingly.

It is essential to note that you should never try to remove a dead animal from the outdoor unit yourself. It is not only dangerous, but it can also cause more damage to the unit or increase the risk of contracting an illness. You should leave these types of jobs to someone who has the proper equipment and experience to handle it safely.


Preventing animals from nesting in your outdoor AC unit is vital to maintain its functionality and extend its lifespan. One of the simplest ways to prevent these unwanted visitors is by installing an air conditioner cage around your unit. This cage acts as a barrier between the critters and the AC unit, preventing them from nesting inside.

Moreover, regular AC maintenance and cleaning can prevent debris and other animal remains from entering the unit. Regular inspections of your outdoor unit can also help you detect any potential animal infestations that may lead to a problem in the future.


In brief, the consequences of having a dead animal trapped inside your outdoor AC unit can be severe and potentially hazardous to your health. If you find yourself in this situation, it is essential to contact professional AC servicemen right away. To avoid these situations altogether, appropriate measures can be taken such as regular cleaning and maintenance and installing an air conditioner cage.

Don't hesitate to take preventative steps to ensure a safer, healthier, and cooler living environment in your home!

Dead Animal in Outside AC Unit: Comparison and Opinion


Every homeowner knows how important it is to maintain their HVAC system. One of the most crucial components of this system is the outside AC unit, which is placed outside the house. These AC units operate continuously to keep the indoors cool and comfortable, especially during summers. However, sometimes these units get clogged, and the cause behind it might be unexpected – a dead animal in the outside AC unit. In this article, we will talk about the frequency of dead animals found in the AC unit, the signs to watch out for, and how it can impact the homeowner's life.

The Frequency of Dead Animals Found in the AC Unit

It might seem odd, but finding a dead animal inside the AC unit is not that rare. In fact, according to experts, many homeowners face this issue every year. Typically, small animals like mice, rats, squirrels, and birds get stuck inside the AC unit's fan blades or condenser coil compartments, leading to their unfortunate demise. In some cases, these animals even chew through the insulation and wiring, causing severe damage to the AC unit. Thus, if you live in an area with a lot of outdoor wildlife, it is advisable to think about preventative measures to avoid any unwanted situations.

Signs of Dead Animal in the AC Unit

If you haven't yet discovered a dead animal in your AC unit, but you are suspicious, look for the following signs. Firstly, there might be a foul smell coming from the AC unit, which does not seem to go away. Secondly, there might be a strange noise coming from the unit, which was not there before. Thirdly, if the airflow from the AC is not strong enough or uneven, it could be because something is blocking it from inside. Lastly, if you notice an unconventional power consumption in the AC unit, it could be because of the animal's chewing habit.

How It can Impact Your Life

If you find a dead animal in your AC unit, it is not only disturbing but can also cause a lot of inconvenience. The bad odor can spread throughout the house, making it uncomfortable for everyone living inside. Moreover, if left unattended, it can also lead to serious health issues and allergies. If there was any damage to the wiring, insulation, or coils, it can be expensive to get them replaced. Thus, it is essential to tackle this problem as soon as possible and take all the necessary measures to avoid it in the future.

Preventative Measures

There are certain measures that homeowners can take to prevent any animals from entering the AC unit. Firstly, make sure that all the possible entry points are closed off, such as gaps in the windows, doors, and walls. Secondly, regularly inspect the AC unit and clean it well to avoid any buildup of debris or dust. Thirdly, homeowners can install a protective covering over the AC unit to keep small animals out. Lastly, consider placing rodent traps or bait around the AC unit to prevent any creatures from getting too close.

Impact on AC Efficiency

If there is a dead animal in the AC unit, it can impact its efficiency significantly. The animal fur or debris can clog up the condenser coils and fan blades, resulting in poor performance and airflow. Moreover, if the animal had damaged any wires or insulation within the AC unit, it would lead to other issues like short circuits or tripping the AC. Thus, it is essential to address the issue quickly and perform a thorough clean-up to regain the AC's optimal functioning.

Cleaning Dead Animal From AC Unit

If you find a dead animal in the AC unit, it is vital to take the necessary precautions before cleaning it up. Firstly, turn off the power to the AC unit to avoid any electrocution. Secondly, put on protective gear like gloves, masks, and goggles to avoid any exposure to harmful bacteria. Thirdly, remove the dead animal from the unit and dispose of it appropriately. Fourthly, clean the AC unit thoroughly with disinfectant spray or soap and water to avoid any lingering smell.

Professional Help

If you are uncertain about cleaning dead animals from an AC unit or are worried that the damage could be extensive, consider hiring professionals for help. A professional can inspect the AC unit and identify any issues that might have resulted from the deceased animal. Additionally, they can perform a thorough cleaning of the AC unit and replace any components that showed significant signs of damage.

Table Comparison

Factors Impact
Frequency of Dead Animals Found in AC Unit High
Signs of Dead Animal in AC Unit Foul smell, strange noise, weak airflow, unconventional power consumption
Impact on Life Inconvenience, health issues, allergies, expenses
Preventative Measures Cause minimal disruption and prevent future instances
Impact on AC Efficiency Negative impact due to debris clogging, insulation, or wiring damage
Cleaning Dead Animal from AC Unit Requires protective gear and careful disposal to avoid any harm
Professional Help Can provide better cleaning, extensive damage control, and overall peace of mind


Thus, a dead animal in the outside AC unit can cause several issues for homeowners, ranging from inconvenience to significant expenses. However, by taking the necessary measures to prevent any animals from entering the AC unit, homeowners can avoid this problem. If homeowners notice signs of a dead animal in the AC unit, they must tackle the issue quickly and follow the right cleaning procedures. Lastly, homeowners can also consider professional help for a thorough cleaning and to identify any issues that might have resulted from the dead animal.

Tips and Tutorial: What to do when there is a dead animal in your outside AC unit


Outside AC units are the backbone of our homes, controlling the temperature and improving indoor air quality. However, if a dead animal gets into your AC unit, it can cause some serious issues, including clogged filters, inefficient performance, and increased odors. It can be quite unpleasant, not to mention the harmful germs and bacteria that can enter your home. In this article, we will explore some tips and tutorials on what to do when there is a dead animal in your outside AC unit.

Step 1: Turn off your AC unit

The first thing you need to do is turn off the power supply to your outside AC unit. This will prevent any electrical hazard while removing the dead animal. Locate the circuit breaker to your unit, which should be near the outdoor unit and turn it off.

Step 2: Wear protective gear

You should always wear protective gear before handling a dead animal. This can include gloves, a mask, safety goggles, long sleeves, and pants. Make sure to wash your clothes and thoroughly wash your hands after handling the animal.

Step 3: Remove the animal

Once you have protective gear, it is time to remove the dead animal from your AC unit. Be sure to use a large trash bag or heavy-duty gloves to pick up the animal. If the animal is lodged in hard to reach areas, you may need to contact a professional exterminator for assistance.

Step 4: Clean the AC unit

After removing the dead animal, you must clean and sanitize the AC unit thoroughly. Use a mild soap mixed with water to cleanse the unit and remove any debris or grime. Ensure you clean all of the components, including the vents, coils, and fan blades. Additionally, use disinfectants or sprays to sanitize the unit.

Step 5: Replace the filter

Dead animals present several issues, one of which is clogged filters. Air filters play an important role in keeping your indoor air quality good. Replace the existing filter with a new one to avoid lingering foul odors.

Step 6: Restore the power supply

Next, it's time to restore your AC unit's power supply after cleaning the AC unit and replacing the filter. Turn on the circuit breaker, and switch on your AC system. Wait for some time for the AC system to function correctly and to ensure that there is no smell.

Step 7: Schedule maintenance check-ups

Regular maintenance check-ups of your AC unit will help detect such issues before they become severe problems. To prevent future odors, air quality issues and dead animals causing damage to your AC system, schedule regular AC unit servicing and maintenance.


Dead animals in outside AC units can cause several issues, and if not adequately addressed, they could lead to financial losses. Follow the tips and tutorials provided in this article on what to do when there is a dead animal in your AC unit. Never hesitate to seek professional assistance if you're uncomfortable handling dead animals. If you need assistance setting up routine maintenance checks for your AC unit, contact reputable HVAC service professionals. With continuous upkeep, you'll be able to enjoy optimal performance and long-term cost savings.

Dead Animal In Outside AC Unit: How to Handle the Situation?

Discovering a dead animal in your outside AC unit is an unpleasant shock for homeowners. Apart from being a health hazard, dead animals in the AC system can cause several issues with air quality, performance, and efficiency. While it is disheartening, the situation needs to be addressed immediately, and you are reading the right article to know more about it.

Before proceeding, it is essential to know that dealing with dead animals in the AC system involves some hazards. Thus, it is strongly recommended that you seek professional help if you are not confident about doing it yourself.

The implications of dead animals in the AC unit

When animals get trapped or crawl inside the outside AC unit, they often die and decompose in the system. The decomposing process leads to a release of unpleasant odors that will spread into the house. Pests and rodents are known carriers of diseases and bacteria that can harm humans, so having dead animals inside the AC system raises health concerns.

The presence of decomposed animals in the AC system also restricts airflow and reduces efficiency. As a result, the AC system's lifespan can be reduced, and electricity bills can increase. In extreme cases, blockages caused by dead animals in the system can lead to mechanical failure and severe damages that are expensive to repair.

Mistakes to avoid when dealing with dead animal removal from the AC unit

It is possible to do a DIY removal of a dead animal from the AC system, but precautions must be taken. Some common mistakes people make when dealing with dead animals in their AC system include:

  • Not wearing proper protective clothing when dealing with dead animals. Gloves, goggles, and a mask are essential items that should be worn to prevent contact with the animal's bacteria.
  • Not shutting down the AC system before opening it. Turning off the unit before dealing with a dead animal in it is crucial in avoiding harm to yourself or the system. Failure to do this can lead to electrocution.
  • Not sanitizing the area after removing a dead animal from it. Dead animals can leave behind bacteria and viruses that are harmful to humans and pets. Sanitizing the area where the animal was found helps prevent such bacteria from spreading.

Steps to remove a dead animal from the AC unit

The following steps will guide you through a DIY removal of a dead animal from your outside AC unit:

  1. Turn Off the AC System: Locate the circuit breaker and switch off the power supply to avoid injuries.
  2. Open the AC Unit: The process of opening the AC unit often varies depending on the type of unit you have. In most cases, the unit has screws or bolts that need to be removed to gain access to the inside of the system.
  3. Locate the Animal: Once you have access to the inside of the unit, the next thing to do is locate the dead animal's location. This might take some time and patience.
  4. Use Proper Equipment: Once you find the dead animal, remove it using gloves, a mask, and other protective gears. It is recommended that you use a plastic bag or trash can to hold the dead animal.
  5. Clean and Disinfect: After you must have removed the dead animal, clean and sanitize the area it was found. Mix water and bleach and spray the affected area. Leave it for about ten minutes before rinsing the area with clean water.
  6. Reassemble and Start the AC: After sanitizing and cleaning the unit's inside, put it back to its original position. Turn on the power supply and check to ensure that the system is working correctly.


The situation of discovering a dead animal inside your AC unit is one nobody wants to face. However, it is an occurrence that occasionally happens most homeowners must deal with sooner or later. Although hiring a professional to handle the situation can be ideal, following the steps given above will guide you through a DIY removal process that's safe and effective.

In conclusion, it is crucial to avoid making common mistakes when dealing with dead animals in your outside AC unit. Always wear protective gear before removing the animal, shut down the power supply before opening the unit, and disinfect the area after removing the dead animal from it. By doing this, you can ensure efficient performance, prevent additional damages, and avoid health hazards associated with the presence of pests and rodents in your AC system.

Thank you for reading, and we hope this article has been useful to you.

People Also Ask About Dead Animal In Outside AC Unit

What should I do if there is a dead animal in my outside AC unit?

If you find a dead animal in your AC unit, it is important to take immediate action and remove it. The dead animal can cause damage to your AC unit and impact the quality of air circulating in your home.

How do I remove a dead animal from my AC unit?

You should always wear protective gloves and a face mask when removing a dead animal from your AC unit. Using a pair of tongs or a similar tool, carefully remove the animal and dispose of it appropriately. You may also need to disinfect the area to eliminate any bacteria or odor left behind.

Can a dead animal in my AC unit cause health problems?

A dead animal in your AC unit can cause health problems for you and your family. The presence of dead animals can lead to a build-up of bacteria and unpleasant odors, which can cause respiratory issues for those with sensitivities or allergies.

What can I do to prevent animals from getting into my AC unit?

To prevent animals from getting into your AC unit, you can install wire mesh around the unit. You should also inspect the area regularly to ensure that there are no gaps or openings where animals can enter.

Should I call a professional to remove the dead animal from my AC unit?

If you are uncomfortable removing the dead animal from your AC unit or if you suspect that it has caused damage to your unit, it may be best to call a professional HVAC technician. They can safely remove the animal and assess any damage to your system.

  • Always wear protective gloves and a face mask when removing a dead animal.
  • Use tongs or a similar tool to carefully remove the animal from the unit.
  • Dispose of the animal appropriately and disinfect the area.
  • Install wire mesh around the unit and inspect the area regularly to prevent animals from getting inside.
  • Consider calling a professional HVAC technician if you are uncomfortable handling the situation yourself or suspect that there is damage to your AC unit.