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Unlock the Secret: How to Get Feathers in Animal Crossing for Stunning Upgrades

Unlock the Secret: How to Get Feathers in Animal Crossing for Stunning Upgrades

Animal Crossing is a fantastic game that has taken the gaming world by storm. The game features several activities, including fishing, bug catching, and fossil identification. However, one of the most challenging tasks in the game is acquiring feathers. Feathers are essential items that can be used to craft specific items, such as umbrellas, cushions, and hats. In this article, we will discuss how to get feathers in Animal Crossing.

Firstly, it is vital to understand that feathers fall from the sky at specific times. Players can collect them by standing in an open space and looking up towards the sky. However, it would help if you were patient because feathers are not a guaranteed drop each time they fall.

Notably, most feathers are available during specific holidays celebrated in the game. These feathers come in unique colors, and players can use them to craft unique items that match the holiday's theme. For instance, red feathers are usually available during Valentine's Day, while green feathers are available during St. Patrick's Day.

Another method for getting feathers is participating in the feather hunt mini-game. Players can participate in this mini-game by talking to Pavé, a peacock character who appears during Festivale. Each successful catch will reward players with a feather. This mini-game can be played multiple times during the day, making it an excellent way to collect feathers quickly.

Players may also get feathers by completing specific tasks given by fellow villagers. Villagers may request that players catch a certain number of bugs or fish. Upon successful completion, players are rewarded with a feather. This method is an excellent way to get feathers while completing other in-game goals.

In addition, players can visit a friend's island on days when it is raining, as feathers tend to drop more frequently during wet weather. If a friend has Ornithology as their island's native fruit, there is an increased chance of feathers falling. This technique is a dependable way to collect many feathers in one visit.

Lastly, some players have had success finding feathers by shaking trees. Although this method is not guaranteed, you can still try it out. If players shake the tree long enough, a feather may dislodge from the branches and fall to the ground.

In conclusion, getting feathers in Animal Crossing requires patience and creativity. Players must take advantage of the timing, participate in mini-games, complete tasks, and take advantage of the game's weather mechanics. By following the tips outlined in this article, players can be confident they will be able to get the required feathers for crafting special items. So go ahead and try these tips and become a master craftsman in Animal Crossing.

How To Get Feathers Animal Crossing
"How To Get Feathers Animal Crossing" ~ bbaz


Animal Crossing is a popular simulation game that was released in 2001 and has since then become a favourite among gamers. In this game, players have the ability to collect items and make friends with their virtual neighbours. One of the fun aspects of Animal Crossing is collecting feathers, which can be used to create special hats. These hats are highly sought after by players who want to complete their wardrobe collection and stand out from the crowd.

What are feathers in Animal Crossing?

Feathers are a rare item that can be found in Animal Crossing. They come in many colours and can be used to create special hats. Feathers can be found in a variety of ways, including through bird catching contests, trading with villagers, and sometimes even just lying on the ground waiting to be picked up. The different types of feathers will bring different values.

How to get feathers in Animal Crossing?

There are several ways to acquire feathers in Animal Crossing, these include;

Bird Catching Contests

One of the most common ways to get feathers is through bird catching contests. These competitions are held throughout the year, and they provide an opportunity for players to catch rare birds. When players catch a rare bird, they may receive a feather as a prize.

Trading with Villagers

Another way to get feathers is by trading with villagers. Sometimes, villagers may ask for a certain item in exchange for a feather. Players should keep an eye out for when villagers ask for feathers. This could be a sign that they might trade feathers in the future.

Ground Pick Up

Sometimes, feathers can be found just lying on the ground. Players who are exploring their village should keep their eyes peeled for any feathers that may be lying around. These are easy to pick up and can add to a player's collection quickly.

What can players do with feathers in Animal Crossing?

Feathers in Animal Crossing can be used to create special hats. Players can bring the feathers they have collected to the Able Sisters' Shop to create and design their custom hat. These hats are unique and rare, making them highly sought after by players who aspire to become fashion creatures.


In summary, feathers in Animal Crossing are a rare item that can be acquired in many different ways. Players can collect feathers through bird catching contests, trading with villagers or simply picking them up from the ground. Feathers can then be used to create special hats that can add to a player's collection and make them stand out from the crowd. We hope this guide has helped you understand how to get feathers in Animal Crossing and how they can be used to enhance your gameplay experience.

Comparison: How To Get Feathers in Animal Crossing

The Basics of Feathers in Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing is a popular life simulation game where you can customize your town and interact with cute animal characters. One aspect of the game that players enjoy is collecting a variety of items, including feathers. These feathers come in different colors and are used to craft special objects or traded for rewards. Here, we will compare the most common ways to get feathers in Animal Crossing.

Daily Activities That Reward Feathers

One way to obtain feathers is to complete daily activities around your town. Some of these activities include shaking trees, fishing, or catching bugs. When you successfully catch a bug or fish, there is a chance that a feather may fall out, which you can then collect. Additionally, shaking a tree may cause a feather to drop from the branches. Be sure to check trees and bushes frequently to increase your chances of obtaining feathers.

Activity Comparison:

| Activity | Probability of Obtaining Feathers ||--------------|----------------------------------|| Shaking Trees | Low || Fishing | Medium || Catching Bugs | High |From the table above, it is clear that catching bugs has the highest probability of yielding feathers. Therefore, it is advisable to focus on catching as many bugs as possible to increase your chances of collecting feathers.

Visiting Other Players' Towns

Another way to obtain feathers is by visiting other players' towns. If you have friends who also play Animal Crossing, you can visit their towns and request to trade feathers. Alternatively, you can participate in online forums or social media groups dedicated to Animal Crossing and ask for trades there. This method of obtaining feathers requires a little bit of networking and communication but is reliable if you make connections with other players.

Method Comparison:

| Method | Reliability ||-------------------------------------|-------------|| Visiting Other Players' Towns | High || Participating in Online Communities | Medium |From the table above, it is clear that visiting other players' towns is a more reliable method of obtaining feathers than participating in online communities.

Mystery Island Tours

Mystery Island Tours is another feature of Animal Crossing that allows you to visit different islands with unique resources. When you enter these islands, there is a chance that you may find feathers lying around. These tours require Nook Miles, which you can earn by completing tasks on your own island. You can also purchase Nook Miles using real money.

Tour Comparison:

| Type of Mystery Tour | Probability of Obtaining Feathers ||----------------------|----------------------------------|| Standard Tour | Medium || Premium Tour | High |From the table above, it is recommended to choose Premium Tours because they have a higher probability of yielding feathers.

Opinion and Conclusion

Based on the comparisons made above, it is clear that the most reliable way to obtain feathers in Animal Crossing is by visiting other players' towns. This method requires a little bit of networking and communication but is highly dependable. However, if trading feathers is not an option, the next best way to gather feathers is by catching bugs or participating in Mystery Tours. Overall, finding feathers in Animal Crossing is all about perseverance and taking advantage of all available resources. With patience and determination, you can collect plenty of feathers to craft unique objects and trade for exciting rewards.

How To Get Feathers in Animal Crossing


Animal Crossing is a popular game filled with different animals that you can interact with. One of the most exciting things about the game is collecting various items, including feathers. Feathers are an essential part of the game, and they are used to create unique and interesting items. In this article, we'll go through the steps on how to get feathers in Animal Crossing.

What are feathers in Animal Crossing?

Feathers are rare and valuable items that you can collect in Animal Crossing. These colorful objects are often left behind by Peacock - one of the animals in the game. There are a total of six feathers that players can collect in the game, including red, yellow, green, blue, purple, and rainbow feathers.

Harvesting Feathers from Peacocks

To obtain feathers, you need to look for Peacocks. Peacocks only show up during specific seasonal events, such as the Feather Day celebration. During this event, players can find the Peacock wandering around the island. However, it's essential to note that Peacocks will only appear if you have enough villagers on your island.

How to attract Peacocks?

To attract Peacocks to your island, you need to make sure that you have plenty of flowers. The more flowers you have, the more likely the Peacocks will visit your island. You can also attract them by placing different types of seeds around the island. Fruit trees and flowering shrubs are also an excellent way to entice Peacocks.

The Different Types of Feather Colors and Their Uses

Red Feathers

Red feathers are used to create red-colored items in the game, such as clothing, furniture, and other decorative items.

Yellow Feathers

Yellow feathers are used to create yellow-colored items in the game. Some examples of items that can be created using yellow feathers are elegant hats or dresses.

Green Feathers

Green feathers can be used to create green-colored items such as flooring, wallpaper, and other decorative items for your home.

Blue Feathers

Blue feathers are used to create blue-colored items in the game, such as clothing, furniture, and accessories.

Purple Feathers

Purple feathers are used to create things such as clothing, furniture, and other decorative items.

Rainbow Feathers

Rainbow feathers are the rarest and most valuable type of feathers in Animal Crossing. These feathers can be used to create unique and special items in the game.

How to Use Feathers in Animal Crossing?

Once you have collected feathers in the game, you can use them to create various items. To do this, you need to have a crafting station on your island. Crafting stations can be found at Tom Nook's store, and they can be purchased with Bells.


Feathers in Animal Crossing are significant because they allow players to create unique and exclusive items. The process of collecting feathers may seem challenging, but it's worth the effort. With this guide, you can start collecting feathers and using them to create amazing decorative items for your island.

How To Get Feathers in Animal Crossing

If you are an avid player of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, then you must be familiar with the game's feature of DIY crafting. One of the most sought-after materials in the game is feathers. Not only are they beautiful and colorful, but you also need them to craft some of the most valuable items in the game.

In this blog, we will guide you on how to get feathers in Animal Crossing so that you can build your desired objects without any hurdles.

1. Participate in Festivale Event: The easiest way to acquire feathers in the game is by participating in the Festivale event held in February or March. During this event, players can collect feathers from various sources like balloons, presents, or trading them with Pavé – a special character only present during Festivale.

2. Shoot Down Balloons: Another way to gather feathers in the game is by shooting balloons with a slingshot. Look out for balloons carrying presents or special feathers, pop them, and collect the treasures.

3. Visit Mystery Islands: Mystery Islands are areas you can visit with your Nook Miles Ticket from Dodo Airlines. These islands are full of exotic flora and fauna and can be a treasure trove of resources like hardwood trees and rocks. You might get lucky and find rare feathers while scouring the island.

4. Receive Gifts from Villagers: Another way to get feathers is by interacting with your villagers. Building strong relationships with them can increase the chances of receiving gifts, and who knows, your neighbors might send a lovely feather your way.

5. Trade with Other Players: If you are struggling to find feathers, you can always reach out to the gaming community and initiate trades. Animal Crossing has a significant player base that is friendly and supportive of one another. You can participate in forums or social media groups to connect with other players, and they might trade feathers for something you have to offer.

6. Visit Islands with Your Friends: Another way to interact with other players is by visiting their islands or having them over to your island. Players can share resources, trade items, or team up for fun activities like fishing tournaments. Trading feathers can be an essential part of these social interactions, so keep your eyes open for opportunities to collect more feathers.

Now that you know how to get feathers in Animal Crossing, it's time to put your skills to use and start crafting the objects of your dreams. Whether it be a favorited DIY recipe or a gift for your newly befriended neighbors, feathers are a valuable commodity in the game and can enhance your gameplay experience tremendously. Good luck and have fun collecting the feathers!

In conclusion, feathers are essential components for many coveted items in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. They come in various colors, adding an aesthetic appeal to the crafting and decoration of your island. The game offers multiple ways to acquire feathers such as participating in Festivale events, popping balloons, visiting mystery islands, and trading with friends or online communities. Incorporating these tactics can increase your chances of finding these beautiful feathers and add to the excitement of gameplay. So go ahead, gather those feathers, and enjoy the colorful world of Animal Crossing!

How To Get Feathers Animal Crossing: People Also Ask

What are feathers in Animal Crossing?

Feathers are special items in the Animal Crossing game where they are one of the prizes that can be obtained from Zipper T. Bunny during the Bunny Day event. The feathers are of different colors and can be used to craft various DIY bunny day items like wobbling zipper toy and bunny day rug.

How can I get feathers in Animal Crossing?

You can obtain feathers in Animal Crossing by participating in the Bunny Day event, which is held annually sometime between late March and early April. During the event, Zipper T. Bunny will visit your island and give you tasks to complete. Most of these tasks involve finding hidden eggs all over your island and in turn, you will receive eggs which can be crafted into bunny day DIY items including feathers.

What are the different colors of feathers in Animal Crossing?

There are six different colors of feathers in Animal Crossing, and each color represents a different type of egg. The feather colors include pink, blue, green, yellow, purple, and rainbow-colored.

What can I do with feathers in Animal Crossing?

Feathers can be used to craft a variety of bunny day themed DIY items in Animal Crossing including:

  1. Bunny day bed
  2. Bunny day arch
  3. Bunny day stool
  4. Bunny day wall clock
  5. Bunny day fence

Can I trade feathers in Animal Crossing?

Unfortunately, feathers cannot be traded between players in Animal Crossing. However, you can still obtain different feather colors by participating in the Bunny Day event on your own island or by visiting other player's islands during the event.

What if I missed the Bunny Day event? Can I still obtain feathers?

If you missed the Bunny Day event, you will have to wait until the event comes around next year to get feathers. However, you may be able to purchase feathers from other players who obtained them during the event.