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Efficient and Timely Maricopa County Dead Animal Pick Up Services - Keep Your Community Clean and Safe!

Efficient and Timely Maricopa County Dead Animal Pick Up Services - Keep Your Community Clean and Safe!

Are you tired of the unbearable smell of dead animals in your neighborhood? Do you want a quick and reliable solution to get rid of them? Look no further than Maricopa County Dead Animal Pick Up!

Did you know that leaving a dead animal on your property can attract pests and diseases? Don't put yourself and your community at risk. Call Maricopa County Dead Animal Pick Up today.

With over 20 years of experience, our team is equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to safely remove dead animals from residential, commercial, and public areas.

Whether it's a small rodent or a large deer, we have the equipment to handle any situation. Our trucks are specifically designed with winches and cranes to lift and transport heavy animals with ease.

Not sure if the animal is dead? No problem. Our trained technicians can assess the situation and determine if the animal is in fact deceased or requires medical attention.

At Maricopa County Dead Animal Pick Up, we pride ourselves on our prompt and reliable service. We understand the urgency and health risks associated with dead animals, which is why we offer same-day pick up services.

Our prices are competitive and transparent, so you don't have to worry about hidden fees. We also offer discounts for regular customers and referrals.

But don't just take our word for it. Check out our satisfied customer reviews online. They rave about our professionalism and effectiveness in removing dead animals without causing any damage or disturbance to their property.

So why wait? Don't let a dead animal ruin your day or your community's health. Call Maricopa County Dead Animal Pick Up today for a clean and safe solution.

Thank you for considering our services and we look forward to serving you soon. Remember, a clean and healthy community starts with proper dead animal removal.

Maricopa County Dead Animal Pick Up
"Maricopa County Dead Animal Pick Up" ~ bbaz

Maricopa County Dead Animal Pick Up is a crucial service provided by the authorities for the well-being of the community. The county sees a significant number of animals, both wild and domesticated, on its roads every day. Unfortunately, some of these animals end up being hit by vehicles and left on the roads, leading to uncountable health hazards and environmental problems.

The Importance of Dead Animal Pick Up

Dead animal pick up is an essential service in Maricopa County that aids in maintaining hygienic and safe living conditions. Dead animals pose several risks to human health, including spreading diseases and parasites like ticks, fleas, and mites. They also attract scavengers like vultures and rats that further contribute to the spread of diseases.

Animal carcasses left along the roads can also lead to environmental pollution since they can emit harmful gases as they decompose. This gas, known as methane, contributes to climate change and global warming. Therefore, dead animal pick up services play a vital role in safeguarding the environment and keeping the world habitable for future generations.

The Process of Dead Animal Pick Up

Maricopa County authorities have made arrangements to ensure that dead animal removal happens as quickly and efficiently as possible. The first step in this process typically involves someone informing the authorities of the presence of a dead animal in certain areas. The information then gets communicated to a government agency charged with the task of removing the dead animal.

After receiving this report, the authorities take action immediately. They dispatch their personnel to the site where the dead animal is, and they usually arrive within a few hours. In most cases, they collect the carcass and then move it to a designated facility for proper disposal. This facility may be a landfill or some other specialized area specifically designed for disposing of dead animal carcasses.

The Challenges of Dead Animal Pick Up

Despite the importance of dead animal pick up services, several challenges come with this provision. For instance, road accidents involving animal and domestic animals usually happen during rush hours, making it difficult for authorities to provide the necessary services in a timely manner. Additionally, some areas within the county may be hard to get to due to their remote nature or rough terrain.

Another challenge often faced by those responsible for Maricopa County dead animal pick up is the limited resources to carry out these activities fully. While all efforts are made to provide this service, staffing levels sometimes lead to delays in pick-up times.

How Residents Can Help

While the authorities play an essential role in providing Maricopa County dead animal pick up services, there are a few ways that residents can assist them in their efforts:

Reporting dead animals. It is crucial for the public to report the presence of any dead animals they encounter on the roads to the authorities. This information can help authorities understand the scope and extent of the problem and plan their resources accordingly.

Keeping pets indoors. Pet owners should try and keep their animals indoors and prevent them from wandering about. This not only reduces the risk of their pets being hit by vehicles but also fails to contribute to the problem of roadside dead animals in Maricopa County.

Not feeding wildlife. Residents should avoid feeding wild animals since it encourages them to stay in residential areas and increases their chances of being hit by vehicles.

In Conclusion

Maricopa County dead animal pick up is an essential service that plays a significant role in keeping the community safe and healthy. It is crucial for residents to understand the importance of this service, report any sightings of dead animals, and take steps to minimize the problem.

By working together with the authorities, we can ensure the provision of timely services and maintain a healthy and habitable environment for everyone to live in. So, the next time you encounter a dead animal on the side of the road, remember to report it to the authorities immediately and help keep our community clean and safe.

Comparison between Maricopa County Dead Animal Pick Up Services


Dealing with dead animals on the road is not a pleasant experience. They not only look unpleasant, but also pose a serious threat to the environment and public health. Maricopa County in Arizona offers various dead animal pickup services to keep the roads clean and safe. In this comparison article, we will discuss and evaluate the different services provided by Maricopa County to help you choose the right option for your needs.

Service Availability

One of the most important factors when choosing a dead animal pick up service is availability. Maricopa County Animal Care and Control and Maricopa County Department of Transportation both offer dead animal pick-up services. However, their coverage areas are slightly different. While Animal Care and Control picks up dead animals in unincorporated areas of the county and within cities that contract with them, Department of Transportation only covers the state highways and county roadways.


If you live in Maricopa County's unincorporated areas or cities that contract with Animal Care and Control, their service might be more convenient for you. However, if you frequently drive on state highways or county roadways, Department of Transportation might be a better option for you.

Response Time

The response time for dead animal pick up is another crucial factor to consider. Animal Care and Control aims to respond to all dead animal reports within 24 hours, while Department of Transportation strives to pick up dead animals within two business days.


Both Animal Care and Control and Department of Transportation have reasonable response times. However, Animal Care and Control offers a quicker response time, which might be more suitable for those who want the dead animal removed as soon as possible.

Reporting Dead Animals

Reporting a dead animal is the first step to getting it removed. Both Animal Care and Control and Department of Transportation have online forms to report dead animals. However, Department of Transportation also provides a 24-hour hotline for reporting dead animals on state highways and county roadways.


The availability of a hotline makes Department of Transportation's service more accessible to those who do not have access to the internet or prefer to report dead animals by phone.

Types of Dead Animals Picked Up

The types of dead animals picked up by each service also vary. Animal Care and Control picks up all domestic animals (including pets) and wildlife, while Department of Transportation only picks up domestic and livestock animals.


If you come across a dead wild animal, Animal Care and Control would be a better option for you as they pick up all types of dead animals. However, if you find a dead cow or horse on the road, Department of Transportation would be the suitable choice as they specialize in picking up livestock animals.

Disposal Methods

After the dead animal is picked up, it needs to be disposed of properly. Both Animal Care and Control and Department of Transportation dispose of dead animals through different methods. Animal Care and Control cremates all dead animals, while Department of Transportation disposes of the animals in a landfill.


Choosing between the two methods depends on your personal beliefs and environmental concerns. Although cremation might seem like a more humane method, it is also more expensive and has a larger carbon footprint. On the other hand, disposing of dead animals in a landfill might create environmental problems. It is advisable to consider the pros and cons of each method before making a decision.


The cost of dead animal pick up varies depending on the service provider. Animal Care and Control's service is free of charge for unincorporated areas and contract cities. However, they charge a fee for dead pet pick up in non-contract cities. Department of Transportation also offers a free service, but charges a fee for the removal of large animals.


Both services offer competitive prices and are accessible to all. However, Animal Care and Control's service might be more cost-effective for those living in contract cities or areas.

Table Comparison

Here is a summary of the comparison between the two dead animal pick up services provided by Maricopa County:
Factors Animal Care and Control Department of Transportation
Service Availability Covers unincorporated areas and contracted cities Covers state highways and county roadways
Response Time Within 24 hours Within two business days
Reporting Dead Animals Online form Online form & 24-hour hotline
Types of Dead Animals Picked Up Domestic & wildlife Domestic & livestock
Disposal Methods Cremation Landfill
Cost Free for unincorporated areas & contract cities (charge for pet) Free (charge for large animals)


Choosing the right dead animal pick up service is crucial for maintaining a clean and safe environment. Animal Care and Control and Department of Transportation both offer reliable services with different strengths and limitations. Consider your needs and preferences, and choose the service that suits you the best. Remember to report any dead animals you come across on the road promptly to ensure the safety of everyone on the road.

Tips and Tutorial for Maricopa County Dead Animal Pick Up


Maricopa County provides dead animal pick-up services to its residents. The service is necessary to ensure public health and safety, prevent disease spread, and promote clean and hygienic environment. In this tutorial, we will provide helpful tips on how to report and dispose of a dead animal in Maricopa County.

Reporting A Dead Animal

If you come across a dead animal in Maricopa County, it is essential to report it as soon as possible to the Animal Control Department. You can reach Animal Control by calling their hotline, visiting their website, or using their mobile app. Make sure to provide accurate information, such as the location, species, and condition of the dead animal, so they can send the right personnel to collect it.

Stay Safe

While reporting a dead animal in Maricopa County, always prioritize your safety. Do not touch the dead animal with your bare hands, wear gloves and protective clothing, and avoid inhaling any odors or fumes from the carcass. If the dead animal is on a busy road, make sure to keep a safe distance from the traffic while reporting it.

Disposing of a Dead Animal Properly

Once Animal Control collects the dead animal in Maricopa County, it is essential to ensure that it is disposed of properly. Never attempt to dispose of a dead animal in your household garbage as it poses serious health hazards and violates the county's waste management regulations. Instead, you can either bury it in a designated area or have it cremated according to appropriate laws and regulations.

Burying A Dead Animal

Burying requires digging a hole deep enough and covering the carcass completely with dirt. Avoid burial near water sources, homes, or public areas. Also, make sure to comply with zoning and land-use regulations when burying a dead animal.

Cremating A Dead Animal

Cremation is a more costly method but can be the most hygienic and safe way of disposing of a dead animal in Maricopa County. There are various cremation facilities available throughout the county that specializes in animal disposal. You can also consult with Animal Control personnel on the recommended options for disposing of a dead animal.

Cleaning Up After A Dead Animal

After Animal Control collects a dead animal in Maricopa County, some remnants of the carcass or other traces may remain in the area. The residue can attract scavenger animals, create odor, and lead to diseases. Cleaning up after a dead animal pick-up is essential in maintaining proper sanitation. Wear protective clothing, use disinfectants, and ensure proper disposal of all residues to prevent possible contamination.


Dead animal pick-up services are essential in disposing of dead animals safely, promoting public health and hygiene. Knowing how to report and dispose of a dead animal correctly in Maricopa County can help keep your environment clean and healthy. Stay safe, follow regulations and guidelines, and do not hesitate to contact Animal Control for guidance.

Maricopa County Dead Animal Pick Up: A Guide to Responsible Disposal

It's not uncommon to encounter dead animals on the roads or in our neighborhoods. As unpleasant as it may be, it's our responsibility to dispose of these remains properly, both for sanitation reasons and out of respect for nature. In this article, we will take a closer look at Maricopa County's dead animal pick up services and provide guidance on how to handle a dead animal situation.

Why Proper Disposal is Important

There are several reasons why disposing of dead animals properly is important. For one, dead animals can be hazardous to human health. They can carry diseases and bacteria that can be contagious to both humans and pets. Additionally, leaving dead animals on the road or in public areas can attract scavengers, such as coyotes and buzzards, to the area. This can pose a threat to not only other animals but also to people who may encounter them.

Furthermore, proper disposal of dead animals is respectful to the animal's life. It gives them the dignity they deserve and is a way to honor their memory. It's also important to note that in some cases, leaving dead animals on the road or in public areas is illegal and can result in a fine.

Maricopa County Dead Animal Pick Up Services

If you come across a dead animal on a public road or in a public space in Maricopa County, you can contact the Maricopa County Animal Care and Control at 602-506-7387 or go to their website at They offer a free service for removing dead animals from public areas such as roads, parks, and sidewalks.

When contacting Maricopa County Animal Care and Control, make sure to provide them with the exact location of the dead animal so they can easily locate it. The dead animal will then be picked up and disposed of in a sanitary manner.

It's important to keep in mind that the dead animal pick-up services offered by Maricopa County Animal Care and Control only apply to public spaces. If you come across a dead animal on private property, it is the responsibility of the property owner to dispose of it.

How to Safely Handle a Dead Animal

If you encounter a dead animal on your property, there are steps you should take to dispose of it safely. It's recommended that you wear gloves and protective gear when handling a dead animal to prevent coming into contact with any diseases or bacteria.

You can then place the dead animal in a plastic bag and tie it securely before disposing of it in the trash. Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after disposing of the dead animal to remove any contaminants.

It's important to note that some cities and municipalities may have different regulations regarding dead animal disposal. Be sure to check with your local government to make sure you are following all guidelines and regulations.

Preventing Animals from Negatively Affecting Our Environment

One way to prevent the need for dead animal pick up services is by taking steps to prevent animals from negatively affecting our environment. This includes reducing the amount of waste we produce, storing trash in secure containers, and avoiding feeding wildlife.

Additionally, keeping a watchful eye on our pets can also go a long way in preventing dead animal situations. Ensuring that our pets are kept on leashes when in public areas, and that our backyard fences are secure can prevent our pets from attacking and killing other animals.


In conclusion, properly disposing of dead animals is not only sanitary but is also respectful to the animal's life. By contacting Maricopa County Animal Care and Control or disposing of the dead animal safely yourself, you're contributing to a healthier and safer community while being mindful and conscious towards the environment.

We hope that this guide has been helpful in answering any questions you may have had regarding dead animal pick-up in Maricopa County and educating on responsible and safe disposal methods.

By taking the initiative to dispose of dead animals properly, we can better help protect ourselves, our pets and the environment from unnecessary harm.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article, and remember to be responsible and respectful when it comes to handling dead animals.

People Also Ask About Maricopa County Dead Animal Pick Up

What is Maricopa County Dead Animal Pick Up?

Maricopa County Dead Animal Pick Up is a service provided by the Maricopa County Animal Care and Control Department where residents can report and request the removal of deceased animals located on public streets or private residential property within the county.

Who can request dead animal pick up services?

Any resident of Maricopa County can request dead animal pick up services.

What types of dead animals will be picked up?

Maricopa County Dead Animal Pick Up will pick up most types of domestic animals, such as cats, dogs, and rabbits. Additionally, the service will also remove deceased wildlife such as snakes, coyotes, and birds of prey where they pose a health risk to residents or impede traffic on public roads.

How can I request dead animal pick up services?

  1. Call the Maricopa County Animal Control Dispatch Center at (602) 506-7387 (PETS).
  2. Provide the dispatcher with the location and type of the deceased animal.
  3. The dispatcher will provide an estimated time of arrival for pick up and any additional instructions or information if necessary.

Is there a fee for the pick-up service?

There is no fee for the pick-up service.

What should I do if I find a deceased animal outside of Maricopa County?

You should contact the appropriate animal control agency in the jurisdiction the animal was found in.