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The Ultimate Guide to Singing Along with The Animal Song Savage Garden Lyrics

The Ultimate Guide to Singing Along with The Animal Song Savage Garden Lyrics
The Animal Song by Savage Garden is a powerful and emotive song that has captured the hearts of millions. The lyrics speak of the deep connection we have with animals and the natural world, and how we can find solace and inspiration in their presence.

At its core, The Animal Song is a celebration of nature and the beauty of the world around us. It encourages us to look beyond our own problems and worries and to appreciate the majesty of the natural world and all its creatures.

The opening lines of the song immediately grab the listener's attention, with the powerful question What a day, glorious day, we can have. This sets the tone for the rest of the song, inviting us to imagine a world filled with joy and wonder.

As the song continues, we are reminded of the many different animals that inhabit our world, from the majestic eagle soaring through the skies to the tiny ant scurrying along the ground. Each one has its own unique qualities and strengths, and each one is a vital part of the complex ecosystem that makes up our planet.

Throughout the song, we are reminded of the deep connection we share with animals, and how they can provide us with comfort, solace, and inspiration. Whether we are watching a butterfly flutter by or listening to the joyful chorus of birdsong at dawn, these simple moments can bring us a sense of peace and wonder.

The Animal Song also addresses the challenges facing our natural world, and the responsibilities we all have to protect and preserve it. We are reminded that every action we take has an impact on the world around us, and that we must all work together to create a sustainable future for ourselves and the many creatures we share this planet with.

The song's catchy chorus is impossible to resist, with its upbeat melody and inspiring lyrics encouraging us to let the animal out and embrace our connection to the natural world. It's a song that inspires us to live our lives with passion, purpose, and a deep appreciation for the beauty of the world around us.

As we come to the end of this powerful and uplifting song, we are left with a sense of hope and possibility. We are reminded that even in the face of challenges and difficulties, we can still find joy, wonder, and inspiration in the natural world around us.

In conclusion, The Animal Song by Savage Garden is a beautiful and moving tribute to the wonder and majesty of the natural world, and the important role that animals play in our lives. It's a song that inspires us to live our lives with passion and purpose, and to embrace the many wonders of the world around us.

So why not take a few minutes to listen to this powerful and uplifting song, and let its inspiring message fill you with hope and possibility? Whether you're feeling down, overwhelmed, or just in need of a little inspiration, The Animal Song is the perfect solution.

The Animal Song Savage Garden Lyrics
"The Animal Song Savage Garden Lyrics" ~ bbaz

The Animal Song by Savage Garden Lyrics

“The Animal Song” by Savage Garden was released in 1999 as part of their second studio album, Affirmation. The song was written by Darren Hayes and Daniel Jones, and it became one of their most successful singles worldwide.

Verse 1

The first verse starts with the lyrics:

When superstars and cannonballs are running through your head
A television freak show cops and robbers everywhere

The lyrics refer to the chaos and confusion that can occur when we are overwhelmed with information and stimuli. It's a common feeling in our modern world, where we are bombarded with news, social media, and advertisements every moment of the day.

The verse continues with the lines:

Animals and children tell the truth, they never lie
Which one is more human? There's a thought, now you decide

This part of the verse contrasts animals and children with adults, raising the idea that perhaps we have lost some of our humanity as we grow older and become more cynical. The lyrics do not offer a solution but suggest an open question for listeners to ponder.


The chorus is simple and catchy:

I want to live like animals
Careless and free like animals
I want to live, I want to run through the jungle
The wind in my hair and the sand at my feet

The chorus encapsulates the freedom and simplicity that the verses suggest we have lost as we have grown older. The imagery of running through the jungle with the wind in your hair is vivid and exciting.

Verse 2

The second verse continues with the animal theme but adds a more melancholic tone:

You can't control your desire
To conquer me, my love
And I'll be your prey, your prize, your puppet, your queen

Here, the lyrics suggest that we are all animals in some sense, ruled by our passions and desires. However, this can lead to complex power dynamics in relationships that are difficult to untangle. The lyrics suggest that we can switch between being the hunter and the hunted, and that love is often a game of domination and submission.


The bridge offers an optimistic message:

This is nature's sacrifice
When you're broken, when you're bankrupt
When your mind is in crisis
Know that I will be around

Here, the lyrics suggest that even in difficult times, we can draw on the support of others. They offer a message of resilience and hope in the face of adversity.

Final thoughts

Savage Garden's The Animal Song is a thought-provoking anthem about the complexities of human nature. It suggests that we are all animals at heart, ruled by our passions and desires, but that we can also aspire to the carefree simplicity of animals and children. The lyrics are poetic and cleverly crafted, offering a range of interpretations and messages for listeners.

As a songwriter, Darren Hayes has always excelled at creating lyrics that are both catchy and meaningful. With The Animal Song he has created a timeless classic that speaks to all of us, no matter where we are in life. Whether we feel lost or stuck or overwhelmed, this song offers a message of hope and a reminder that we can always find our way back to the simplicity and freedom of nature.

Comparing The Animal Song by Savage Garden Lyrics


Savage Garden is an Australian rock band formed in 1994. They have been one of the most successful bands with their songs being recognized internationally. One of their famous songs is The Animal Song, released in 1999. The song's lyrics have themes of nature, love, and understanding, which make it unique and relatable to fans of all ages.

The Lyrics

The Animal Song is a song that combines elements of nature and love in one masterpiece. It starts with the familiar sound of birds chirping and then goes into the chorus. Some of the lyrics of the song include When I feel like talking to nobody, just me and the air and There's no compassion left in this world full of people who talk too much. The song emphasizes the importance of appreciating nature and being connected to our inner selves.

The Tone

The tone of the song is upbeat and energetic. The use of drums, guitar, and other musical instruments create a sense of excitement and anticipation. The use of different tones throughout the song reflects the contrasts between the wild nature and the calmness of human nature.

The Message

The message conveyed in The Animal Song is the importance of recognizing our true nature. It encourages us to be more in tune with our surroundings and appreciate the beauty of the natural world. It also highlights the problems faced by humanity, such as the lack of compassion, and reminds us to be more empathetic towards others.

The Vocal Performance

The vocal performance by the lead singer Darren Hayes is captivating. His clear and crisp voice adds depth to the song and makes the listener connect with the lyrics quickly. The singer's use of falsetto accentuates the song's upbeat tone, making it more enjoyable to listen to.

The Instrumental Performance

The Animal Song has an outstanding instrumental performance. The use of electric and acoustic guitars adds depth to the song's melody, and the harmonious beat of the drum creates an overall vibe of excitement. The band's use of different instruments properly conveys both the wild and the calm aspects of nature.

The Use of Metaphors

The song also uses metaphors to convey its message. Parts of the lyrics such as Such a beautiful world, but nothing left for me, can be interpreted as a metaphor for how we live in a world with plenty of opportunities that we fail to appreciate.

The Comparison Chart

Here's a quick comparison chart of what we've seen so far:|Aspect of the Song|Details||---|---||Lyrics|Themes of nature, love, and understanding.||Tone|Upbeat and Energetic.||Message|Importance of recognizing our true nature.||Vocal Performance|Captivating and clear singing voice.||Instrumental Performance|Outstanding use of guitars and drums.||Use of Metaphors|Song uses metaphors to convey a message.|


In conclusion, The Animal Song by Savage Garden is an exceptional song that combines elements of nature and love. Its upbeat tone and the relatable lyrics make it a timeless classic that people continue to enjoy. The song highlights the importance of being connected with nature, our inner selves, and the need for more compassion in this world. It's a song that we can all relate to and learn from.

The Animal Song by Savage Garden: Understanding the Lyrics

The Animal Song is a popular track by Savage Garden, an Australian pop duo that was active from 1994 to 2001. The song was released in 1999 as part of their second album Affirmation and quickly topped the charts in many countries. Despite its upbeat melody and catchy chorus, The Animal Song has a deeper meaning that reflects on the human condition and our relationship with the natural world.

The Meaning behind the Lyrics

At first glance, The Animal Song might seem like a simple love song, with lyrics such as I want to live like animals, careless and free. However, the song goes beyond romantic love and speaks to a deeper longing for freedom and connection. The lyrics suggest that humans have become disconnected from nature and our true selves, and that we need to reconnect with our primal instincts to find happiness and meaning.

The song also touches on themes of acceptance and self-awareness. When lead singer Darren Hayes sings sometimes everything seems awkward and large, he acknowledges the struggles of living in a modern, complex world. However, he also offers a solution: to embrace our animal nature and find joy in the simple pleasures of life.

The Use of Metaphor and Imagery

To convey these complex ideas, The Animal Song employs a range of metaphors and vivid imagery. For example, when the lyrics say to see the world in black and white and feel the wind and taste the air, they encourage us to strip away the distractions of modern life and experience the world in a more direct, sensory way.

The song also uses animal metaphors to suggest that humans have lost touch with our natural instincts. The lyrics say I want to run through the jungle, the wind in my hair and the sand at my feet, which evokes a sense of primal freedom that some people may long for but feel unable to achieve.

The Importance of the Chorus

Perhaps the most memorable part of The Animal Song is its upbeat chorus, which repeats the lyrics I want to live like animals. This repeated phrase helps to reinforce the song's central message and give it a sense of urgency. By singing along to this chorus, listeners can feel empowered to reject society's expectations and embrace their animal instincts.

The Significance of Savage Garden

Savage Garden was known for crafting pop songs that were both catchy and thought-provoking. Their music often dealt with complex emotions and existential questions, and they weren't afraid to tackle difficult topics such as mental health and sexuality.

The duo's popularity peaked in the late 1990s, when they released hit singles such as Truly Madly Deeply and I Knew I Loved You. Although they disbanded in 2001, their music continues to resonate with fans around the world.

Appreciating Savage Garden Today

If you're a fan of The Animal Song or other Savage Garden tracks, you might be interested in exploring some of the deeper themes behind their music. Consider listening to their albums and reading interviews with the band members to get a better sense of their artistic vision.

You can also check out fan communities and social media pages dedicated to Savage Garden to connect with other fans and share your interpretations of their lyrics. As you delve deeper into the world of Savage Garden, you may find that their music speaks to something profound within you and inspires you to live more authentically.


The Animal Song by Savage Garden is a lively pop track with a deeper meaning. Through its use of metaphor and imagery, the song encourages listeners to embrace their primal instincts and reconnect with nature. By singing along to its catchy chorus, we can tap into a sense of liberation and joy that transcends society's conventions.

Savage Garden may no longer be active as a band, but their music continues to resonate with fans around the world. If you're interested in exploring their discography, be sure to pay attention to the lyrics and think about the deeper meanings behind their songs.

The Animal Song Savage Garden Lyrics

If you're a big fan of love songs in the late 90s, then there's a pretty good chance that you've heard of Savage Garden. And if you're familiar with their discography, then you must be familiar with their hit single The Animal Song.

This song is one of Savage Garden's most popular tracks, and it's not hard to see why. It's got a catchy melody, a heartfelt chorus, and lyrics that tug at your heartstrings.

With that said, let's delve deeper into the lyrics of The Animal Song.

The song begins with the line When superstars and cannonballs are running through your head. From the get-go, we can already tell that this song is going to be about the depths of our emotions and how they affect us.

As the song continues, the lyrics speak of a desire to break free from the confines of society. This sentiment is captured by the following lines: Surrender all your dreams to me tonight. It's a powerful statement that speaks to anyone who has ever felt trapped or limited by their circumstances.

However, as the chorus kicks in, we discover that beneath all the bravado and confidence that the narrator displays, there's still a deep-seated sense of vulnerability. I want to live, the lyrics go, like animals. It's a sentiment that will resonate with anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed by their emotions.

And yet, despite the emotional turmoil that the lyrics convey, there's still a sense of hope that permeates throughout. It's there in lines like And I need to be free from all this perception and So just give me the night to prove to you that everything I'm saying is true.

The second verse of the song takes on a slightly more introspective tone, with the lyrics talking about how we all have the capacity for both light and darkness within us. The lines We're the same underneath from what I've found are particularly poignant.

And of course, we can't forget about the bridge of the song. This is where the narrator addresses their lover directly, telling them that they owe it to each other to tell the truth. It's a powerful statement that speaks to the importance of honesty and transparency in relationships.

Finally, as the song ends, we're left with a sense of hope and optimism. The animal inside you knows when it's time to say goodbye, the lyrics go. It's an acknowledgement that even when things don't work out, there's still a chance for growth and healing.

In conclusion, The Animal Song by Savage Garden is a beautiful ode to the depths of our emotions. It speaks to our desire for freedom, our vulnerability, and our capacity for growth and healing. It's no wonder that this song has stood the test of time, and continues to be beloved by fans old and new.

Thank you for taking the time to read our analysis of the lyrics of The Animal Song by Savage Garden. We hope you enjoyed it, and that it gave you a deeper appreciation for this classic love song.

Until next time,

The team at [your blog name here]

People Also Ask About The Animal Song Savage Garden Lyrics

What is the meaning behind The Animal Song by Savage Garden?

The Animal Song by Savage Garden is about the connection between humans and animals. It encourages people to embrace their animal instincts and be true to themselves. The lyrics speak of how people often hide their true selves in order to fit in with society, but that it's important to be who you really are.

What inspired Savage Garden to write The Animal Song?

Savage Garden was inspired to write The Animal Song after seeing a documentary about animals and their behaviors. The band wanted to convey the idea that humans are not so different from animals and that we should embrace our inner nature.

What are some notable lyrics from The Animal Song?

Some notable lyrics from The Animal Song include:

  • Let me see your animal side
  • It's whispered that soon, if we all call the tune, then the piper will lead us to reason
  • I want to live like animals, careless and free, like animals

What genre is The Animal Song by Savage Garden?

The Animal Song by Savage Garden is considered to be pop rock. The band was known for their soft rock ballads, but The Animal Song has a more upbeat and poppy sound.

Was The Animal Song a hit for Savage Garden?

Yes, The Animal Song was a hit for Savage Garden. The single reached the top 40 in several countries, including the United States, Canada, and Australia. It was also nominated for a Grammy Award in 1999 for Best Dance Recording.