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Crack the Puzzle: Discover the Animal with Zebra Striped Legs in This Challenging Crossword

Crack the Puzzle: Discover the Animal with Zebra Striped Legs in This Challenging Crossword

Have you ever been stumped by a crossword clue that asked for the name of an animal with zebra striped legs? If so, don't worry! In this article, we'll explore some of the possible answers to this puzzling clue and delve into some interesting facts about these unique creatures.

First of all, let's take a look at some of the animals that could fit the bill. One possibility is the okapi, a mammal that is native to the rainforests of central Africa. Despite its resemblance to a zebra, the okapi is actually more closely related to giraffes! Another option is the Grevy's zebra, which is the largest and most distinctively patterned of all the zebra species.

So why do these animals have such striking black-and-white stripes on their legs? One theory is that the stripes help to confuse predators by creating an optical illusion that makes it difficult to track their movements. Other research suggests that the stripes may help to regulate the animals' body temperature by reflecting sunlight and promoting air flow over the skin.

Interestingly, scientists are still not entirely sure why zebras themselves have stripes! Some theories suggest that the stripes may help ward off biting insects or act as a form of camouflage in their grassland habitats.

But what about those pesky crossword clues? Here are a few possible answers to the question of an animal with zebra striped legs:

  • The aforementioned okapi
  • Grevy's zebra
  • The bongo, another forest-dwelling mammal with striped legs
  • The quagga, a relative of the zebra that is now extinct

While the crossword clue may seem obscure, it can lead to some fascinating discoveries about the animal kingdom. And even if you're not a crossword enthusiast, learning about these unique creatures can be a fun and rewarding experience.

So the next time you come across the clue Animal with zebra striped legs in a puzzle or game, you'll know just what to answer. And who knows - you may even impress your friends with your newfound knowledge of animal patterns and markings!

In conclusion, the animal with zebra striped legs is a fascinating subject that offers many different avenues for exploration. Whether you're interested in the science behind animal patterns or simply love a good crossword puzzle challenge, this topic has something for everyone. So why not take some time to learn more about these captivating creatures and their unique stripes today?

Animal With Zebra Striped Legs Crossword
"Animal With Zebra Striped Legs Crossword" ~ bbaz


Crossword puzzles are one of the most popular games that test an individual's vocabulary, knowledge, and memory skills. One of the topics that make crossword puzzles more exciting is the set of animals with zebra-striped legs. These animals are famous for their unique characteristics and are often used to describe other objects in our daily lives.

The Animals

When you hear about animals with zebra-striped legs in crossword puzzles, your first thought could be of the zebra itself. While zebras are undoubtedly the most famous animals with that trait, several other creatures possess the same feature.


One of the lesser-known animals with zebra-striped legs is the Okapi, a mammal from the Giraffe family. The Okapi has brown fur that covers its body and legs but has black and white stripes just below its knees and ankles. These stripes are surrounded by white blotches that help the animal camouflage effortlessly into the surrounding forest environment.


The Bongo is another lesser-known animal with similar zebra-striped legs. It is a herbivorous antelope that roams the dense forests of Africa. The bongo's legs have brown fur with distinct and bright white stripes above its knees, which helps the creature avoid predators and also attract potential mates.

Grevy's Zebra

Apart from the common zebra, the Grevy's zebra is another kind of zebra-like mammal that has beautiful black and white stripes on its legs. The Grevy's zebra has longer legs and narrower stripes compared to the common zebra. Its stripes provide it with natural camouflage, making it challenging to spot in its native habitat of northern Kenya and Ethiopia.


In conclusion, the usage of animals with zebra-striped legs in crossword puzzles adds an extra level of excitement and challenge to the game. While zebras are usually the first thing that comes to mind when we think of creatures with that feature, it is fascinating to know that other mammals, like Okapis and bongos, also possess that unique characteristic.


- Wildlife Conservation Society. (2021). Okapi. The Safari Collection. (2021). Bongo Antelope. National Geographic. (2021). Grevy's Zebra.

Comparison between Animals with Zebra Striped Legs


Animals come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Some have distinct markings that make them easily recognizable while others blend in with their surroundings to avoid detection. One such marking is the zebra stripe, which is characterized by alternating black and white stripes. In this comparison article, we will compare animals with zebra-striped legs.


Giraffes are known for their long necks and unique coat pattern. These animals have brownish-orange spots on their skin, but their legs are covered in distinctive white and black stripes, similar to those of a zebra. Giraffes belong to the same family as deer and antelopes, making them herbivorous mammals. They mostly feed on leaves and buds of trees and can grow up to 18 feet tall.


I personally admire giraffes with their striking pattern of stripes on their legs. It adds to their already unique coat and makes them more eye-catching.


The bongo is a type of antelope found in central and east Africa. Like giraffes, they also have a unique coat pattern, which consists of reddish-brown fur with white vertical stripes. On their legs, they have black and white zebra-like stripes that help them camouflage in their habitat. Bongos are herbivores and prefer eating leaves, fruits, and bark.


Bongos are beautiful creatures, and their zebra-striped legs add an extra touch of elegance to their natural camouflage. The uniqueness of their stripes makes them stand out from other antelopes, and I appreciate their distinctiveness.


Of course, the most well-known animal with zebra-striped legs is the zebra itself. Zebras are part of the horse family and can be found in various parts of Africa. Their stripes, which are unique to each individual, serve as a form of defense against predators. They also help with thermoregulation and are used for identifying each other.


Zebras are simply majestic creatures with their striped legs being the most distinctive feature of their body. The stripes on their legs make them stand out from other equine species and blend seamlessly with their surroundings at the same time.


The okapi is often referred to as the forest giraffe because of its long neck and zebra-like striped legs. They can be found in the dense tropical rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Okapis have reddish-brown fur on their bodies with black and white stripes on their lower legs. They feed on leaves, fruits, and stems.


Okapis are fascinating animals, and their zebra-striped legs are beautiful. They show how nature can create a creature that is both stunning and useful at the same time.


Tapirs are mammals similar to pigs but with elongated snouts. They can be found in Central and South America and Southeast Asia. Some species of tapir have white stripes on their legs, giving them a zebra-like appearance. Tapirs are herbivores and feed on leaves, fruits, and young shoots.


Tapirs are unique-looking creatures, and the stripes on their legs add to their charm. Although not as striking as the other animals on this list, tapirs' zebra-striped legs make them noteworthy.


A zorse is a hybrid animal bred from a zebra and a horse. They are mostly found in Africa. Zorses have the body shape of horses, with black and white stripes on their legs being a prominent feature. They can be ridden like horses, but as hybrids, they are generally sterile.


Zorses are fascinating animals, as they combine the features of two different species. Their striped legs make them unique and stand out from regular horses, and it is a wonder to see such an animal.


There are many animals with zebra-striped legs, and this list only covers a few. From giraffes to tapirs and even a zebra-horse hybrid, these animals all showcase nature's creativity, adaptability, and beauty. While each animal has its own unique appearance and behavior, all have one thing in common: their striking and beautiful striped legs.
Comparison Table for Animals with Zebra-Striped Legs
Animal Location Diet Unique Features
Giraffe Africa Herbivore Long neck and spots on skin
Bongo Central and East Africa Herbivore Reddish-brown fur and vertical white stripes
Zebra Africa Herbivore Stripes unique to each individual
Okapi Democratic Republic of Congo Herbivore Reddish-brown fur with black and white stripes on lower legs
Tapir Central and South America, Southeast Asia Herbivore White stripes on legs
Zorse Africa Herbivore Hybrid between zebra and horse

Animal With Zebra Striped Legs Crossword: A Tutorial Guide


If you are a crossword enthusiast and love to solve puzzles, you might have come across the clue – “Animal with zebra striped legs.” The solution to this clue is always one of the many animals that have striped legs resembling those of a zebra. In this tutorial guide, we will delve into some of the examples of animals that have zebra striped legs that can help you quickly solve such crosswords.

What are Zebra Striped Legs?

Zebra-striped legs refer to black and white stripes that resemble those of a zebra. These stripes may be horizontal, vertical, or even diagonal. Many animals possess striped legs that look like those of zebras, and these animals can often be the solution to a crossword puzzle.

Examples of Animals with Zebra Striped Legs

There are several animals whose legs resemble those of a zebra, and knowing about them can help you solve a puzzle crossword quickly. Some prominent examples include:


Of course, the most obvious answer to a crossword clue with zebra-striped legs is right in the name. The zebra itself has legs that featured black and white stripes that extend from their hooves almost up to their body.


The tapir is another animal with zebra striped legs. They can be found in South America and Southeast Asia. While not as well-known as zebras, tapirs certainly stand out for their unique markings.


The Okapi is a lesser-known animal native to Africa with bold zebra-striped legs. These endangered animals attract attention due to their distinctive coat patterns.


The Bongo, native to Africa, has white stripes on their legs that serve as a conspicuous contrast to their reddish-brown coat color.


Gazelles are known for their speed and agility in the wild. These hoofed animals native to Africa and Asia possess striped legs that make them easily identified by predators.


Nyala are antelopes that are mainly found in southern and Eastern Africa. The males feature a spiral horn that can be up to 33 inches long, but it's their striped legs that stand out.


In conclusion, knowing how to identify animals with zebra-striped legs can help make crossword puzzles more accessible for you. The examples listed above are just a few of many animals that sport distinctive stripes on their legs, and learning more about these creatures could help you solve future puzzles quickly and easily. Remember to take note of the patterns and markings featured on an animal's coat and legs to help improve your crossword-solving skills!

Discover the Wild Animal with Zebra Striped Legs Crossword

Hello and welcome to our blog! In this article, we're going to explore some of the most interesting and lesser-known animals in the world. Specifically, we'll be focusing on a creature with a unique and striking feature: zebra-striped legs. Are you ready to learn more? Let's dive in!

First things first: what is the animal we're talking about here? Many people might assume that it's a zebra itself, but actually, there are several other species that fit the bill. For example, one such creature is the slow loris, a small nocturnal primate native to Southeast Asia. Despite its adorable appearance, however, this animal is actually one of the world's only venomous primates, and its bite can be incredibly dangerous.

Another animal with zebra-striped legs is the tapir, a large herbivorous mammal found in Central and South America and Southeast Asia. These creatures might look a bit like pigs at first glance, but they're actually more closely related to horses and rhinoceroses. Tapirs are known for their distinctive prehensile snouts, which they use to grab branches and leaves from trees.

But perhaps the most unexpected animal with zebra-striped legs is the wild assis, also known as the Asiatic wild ass. This rare species of equid is found in the deserts and grasslands of central Asia, and its distinctive leg stripes are believed to help camouflage it from predators.

Of course, these are just a few examples of the animals with zebra-striped legs out there in the world. There are many others to discover and learn about, each with their own unique features and adaptations. So why not take some time to explore and appreciate the incredible variety of life on earth?

If you're intrigued by this topic and want to learn more, we encourage you to do some research on your own. There are plenty of great resources out there, including wildlife guides, nature documentaries, and online articles like this one. You might even consider visiting your local zoo or aquarium to see these animals up close and personal!

Whatever you choose to do, we hope that this article has given you some new insights and inspiration when it comes to appreciating the incredible diversity of life on our planet. By learning about and protecting these creatures, we can help ensure that they continue to thrive for generations to come. Thank you for reading, and we look forward to sharing more fascinating insights with you soon!

Best regards,

The Blog Team

People Also Ask About Animal With Zebra Striped Legs Crossword

What animal has zebra striped legs?

The animal that has zebra striped legs is the okapi.

What is an okapi?

An okapi is a mammal native to the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa. It is closely related to giraffes and has a similar appearance, but with a shorter neck.

How tall do okapis grow?

Okapis can grow up to 6.5 feet (2 meters) tall at the shoulder.

What is the purpose of zebra stripes on an okapi?

Scientists believe that the zebra stripes on an okapi serve as a form of camouflage, helping the animal blend in with its surroundings in the dense African forests where it lives.

What do okapis eat?

Okapis are herbivores and mainly eat leaves, fruits, and other plant materials.

Are okapis endangered?

Yes, okapis are listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), primarily due to habitat loss and hunting by humans.

Where can you see okapis?

Okapis can be seen in several zoos and wildlife parks around the world, including the Okapi Conservation Project in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

How long do okapis live in captivity?

In captivity, okapis can live up to 20-30 years.

Can okapis be domesticated?

No, okapis cannot be domesticated and are best left in their natural habitat.

What is the scientific name for an okapi?

The scientific name for an okapi is Okapia johnstoni.

What other unique features do okapis have?

Aside from their zebra striped legs, okapis have several other unique features such as a long, prehensile tongue that can reach up to 18 inches (45 cm) in length, and scent glands on their feet that they use to mark their territory.

  • Overall, the okapi is a fascinating and mysterious animal.
  • With its zebra striped legs and gentle demeanor, it is truly a wonder of nature.
  • Hopefully through continued conservation efforts, future generations will be able to appreciate and admire these beautiful creatures.